Capítulo 10 - Two Trips, Two Destinations <continuation 3>

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After breakfast while the younger ones went to play, Vilu, Leon, Ludmila and Fede decided to go for a walk around Seville and remember the unforgettable moments that have passed in this city. Tati also wanted to go and after much hitting her and Vilu promise to take care of her Rosario eventually let her go, despite knowing that Luzia could not like, but Tati liked her cousin so much and Vilu also adored the girl. They walked a lot, Tatiana was happy life was with her idols and could see all the girls looking at her with envy. Violetta finally managed to forget all the problems, she was happy, she and Leon had made up and Ludmila and Fede were there ... they decided to go to the Studio all they had wanted to sing together and Francisco had had them that they could always return They wanted. So when they arrived there he welcomed them with open arms, Tati was dazzled ...

- Vilu ... look this is not Uncle Germ? - asks Tati pointing to the photo of Gérmen, with Francisco and Antonio.

- Yeah ... he studied here when he was younger. And so Francisco said one of the best students in the Studio.

- That's cool ... I also enjoyed studying music, but Mom says I'm still very young and I have to go to school and study.

- Poor of you ... another Violetta ... - says Ludmila ... - We have to help this girl ... Leon, Fede, Vilu ... - for the guitars and the piano ... - You are Ready girl ... let's sing and make of you a Mini Star.

And began to sing: first "In my world" then "Destined to Shine", Tatiana sang quite well ... in the end Vilu was looking at the Studio, how good it would be to fill that place with music again, Antonio would like to have The certainty, was so distracted that she did not even see Leon approaching and only felt it when he hugged her from behind.

- What were you thinking, my love?

- I was thinking of Antonio ... I think he would like this place to win again.

- Maybe ... you miss Studio?" Leon asked.

- Yes: the Studio, Pablo, Beto ... Fran, Cami ... I do not know if we will ever return to Argentina, this not to mention that you will have to return Pablo will not be able to be without Three teachers for a long time ...

- Shiuu! But I will not go back already, besides you will not stay forever ... you will see all those you like again, so I did not think like that.

- I love you ...- They hugged, kissed, and hugged each other again.

- The little two pigeons over there, it's time to go back.- Ludmila says with a half-annoyed air of joy.

- You are missing this ... - and Fede gives you a long kiss where you feel all the love you feel for each other.

- Can we go home Vilu ... I'm tired ...- Tatiana finally says that she is leaning against her and Leon, her eyes almost closed ... Leon, who was still hugging Vilu, drops her and takes Tati to her lap.

Meanwhile Germen and Angie had just arrived at their destination: Sintra considered by many to be the Portuguese Riviera, was in centuries past the place chosen by numerous nobles both Portuguese and foreigners as a place of election to establish themselves, which resulted in the appearance of mansions and Palaces in every corner of this village, is par excellence the place for romance. They finally reached the place where they would stay: The Seteais Palace, transformed into a hotel in the 18th century. XX.

- Come on, love ...-  and Germen takes Angie who is completely dazzled by the place. They try to check in and are taken to the room, a magnificent suite. Angie enters and soon goes to the small terrace admiring the breathtaking view, Gérmen still speaks for a while on the telephone but soon goes to her.

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