Chapter 13 -Committed Return

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When Angie looks back she sees Ludmila and behind her: Francesca, Diego, Maxi, Naty, Camila, Broduei and Andrés ... everyone looks at her, but only Ludmila sits next to her. Angie hugs her, but she can not say a word, let alone be in that hug. Pablo suddenly appears, Francesca had called him, they were near the Studio and she knew that if there was anyone who could help Angie, it was him.

- Hey ... Angie, what's going on? Did it run so badly?

- Pablo ... - but she could not take it and again the tears ran down her face ... without control, it was as if at that moment it was just made of water. Pablo looks at the kids and sends them away, stands up helping Angie up as well and walk hugging each other to the car. The trip is made in perfect silence, when they arrive home Angie runs to the room; Brenda looks at Pablo but he also does not know what to say ... Angie, had not told him what had happened. Brenda decides to go upstairs to try to understand what happened, and Pablo leaves again, he knows that what happened had to do with Angelica so he decides to go and talk to her.

- Angie, I can come in. What happened, was your mother?

"I'm going to lose her, Brenda ... I'm going to lose her ... I can not believe she's joined him ... this is a nightmare ..."

"Angie, you're not making sense ... have you lost who?" And who did you join with whom?

"My mother already knew the whole story... She knew my father's betrayal, that he had a daughter, everything ..."

- She knew ... so what's the problem Angie, if she knows they do not have to hide anymore ...

"She's furious with Germ for fleeing again with Violetta and Clara ... what she does not know is that he did not run away alone, that I went with him.

"But why did not you tell him?" Angie ...

"Because she's on Jose's side ... they're together ... he's won the appeal ... he's going to keep them ... I've lost them and not even with my mother can I tell them.

"They're together ... it means they ... but how did he get custody so fast ... there's anything that does not fit right, Angie."

"I do not know-but you did." The worst is that I can not go back to the Germ ... I'm stuck here and he's there ...

- What do you mean, you can not go back?

"That" man "must have already put someone behind me ... and I'm sure that even if I go to another country he'll be able to control me. If I want them to continue with the Germ I can not go back ... neither I nor Ludmila.

"But Angie and ..." and points to Angie's womb.

"I have to think about Clara and Vilu. They thought I was in France ... away from Germ ...

"No, you can not do that. This child's father is him, you can not ...

"I can and I will-Germ can not know." It's going to cost me a lot, but I can not let Clara live with that man, and I know Vilu will not leave her sister alone ...

- You're sure of what you're going to do ... why do not you talk to your mother calmly without José close ... maybe she realizes ...

"No, I never want to see her again. Maybe I'll go to France with Lu, and we'll go there ... I do not know.

Brenda did not know what to say, the situation was complicated, but lying was not the solution. Germ had the right to know that she expected a child, he had the right to decide what to do. On the one hand she wanted to help her, but on the other, everything knew that it had to be Angie's decision and the only thing she could do was stand by her side for whatever she needed. Pablo, meanwhile, had arrived at Angelica's house, he was sure that it was there that Angie's problems began, knocking on the door.

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