Chapter 14 - The Scape

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Meanwhile, in Seville, Germen tried to find a way to tell Vilu everything that was going on, but not to risk it again. Germen knew she could not hide for long ... she would want to know why Angie did not come back from Argentina. She would have to tell him that Joseph had been with her and Clara's guard and that for that reason Angie could not go to them to protect them; that Angelica was now on her grandfather's side, and that together they had managed to convince the court.

He had already spoken to Professor Castro and Dr. Herrera, and both were of the same opinion, it was a bad idea to tell Violetta something. Neither of them knew how she would react and could have a relapse. After this conversation between the three, Germen decided to tell it all, knew he could lose Vilu again, but he had promised Angie the first night in Porto that there would be no more lies or secrets.

But Rosario and also Mercedes were against this idea and tried in every way to discourage Germen to do so, the spirits at that time began to exalt themselves and it was Luis who with some calmness managed to make everyone agree to hold a meeting with the Violetta's doctors, and so that morning they were gathered in Luis's office. They all talked and no one listened, Germen just listened looking out the window ... he thought of Angie, she knew what to do or at least she would know how to tell Vilu. How he needed her, he needed her: his smile, those green eyes that soothed him and at the same time excited him ... suddenly he heard someone talking louder ...

"Enough ... one at a time if nobody understands. We all have an opinion about whether or not we tell Violetta ...

"She can not know ... she can not." Germ please, you can not be thinking about this you can not ... "implored Rosario

"Well, I also add another question: if we decide to tell what we are going to say or should tell ..." says Luis.

- What do you mean? Are you suggesting what exactly? asks Luzia, looking at her surprised husband.

"That we can just tell you that Angie can not come back because ... I do not know anything.

- More lies ... - Leon says in a sarcastic voice ... - Do you really think that Vilu will believe any lie that tells you? That Angie would stay away from her or Clara ... will never believe ...

- We have to think about Violetta and do what least makes her suffer ... - starts Luis being interrupted again by Leon.

"You still do not understand ... you're going to suffer anyway: whether you tell him or not. Vilu hates to lie to him, if he finds out that they are lying to him ... I assure you it will be worse ... - Leon almost explodes with rage, you know what can happen if you tell him, but lying is not the best solution.

"But can we or should we risk it?" Professor Castro and Dr. Herrera said that she could go back into a coma ... I think we should not risk ... "Rosário already with tears in his eyes, looks at Germ that remains at the window completely disconnected from what was being pass there

- Mom, calm down ... - said Luzia approaching her and hugging her ... - the Professor and Rodrigo just warned us about this possibility, does not mean that it happens ...

- But it can happen ... there is a high probability that it may happen ... - says Luis looking at Luzia, more than everyone else knew that there was a great chance that Vilu again have an attack and ... - we can not ignore this possibility ...

- And we are not ... so we are all here to decide what to do ... or rather to help the Germen decide ... - Luzia responds

"No ..." and looking now at Germen ... "Son, you can not tell me anything, I can not bear to lose you again. Not now that I can be with her ... you can not do this to me ... "Germen glanced momentarily at his mother, but then turned back to the window. All this was a waste of time ... he was the father and the last word was his.

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