Chapter 13 - Committed Return (Continuation 3)

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After these words, Angie gives Angelica a brief kiss and leaves with Brenda. The car ride to the doctor is taciturn ... extremely taciturn, until Brenda decides to cut off all that silence.

- Angie, are you okay? You have not said a word since we got in this car.

"I'm ..." Angie said quietly, but in a trembling voice ... "No, I'm not. After the consultation, Lu and I have to leave ...

- I though...Why?- Brenda is puzzled by Angie's attitude; she realizes that her friend is nervous, anxious ... but at the same time with a calm that afflicts.

- My mother will not be quiet, she'll tell Jose that I know where they are." And if not today, tomorrow police will appear at your door in search of me.

"Angie, your mother will not turn you over to the police, I'm sure ... she's your mother."

"My mother may not, but I have no doubts. I can not risk it, we have to leave even today.

"Angie, where are you going?" You can not ride a plane, he'll meet you in a moment ...

"Brenda, I will not tell you where we're going ... it's safer for you if you do not know anything." But I know where I'm going ... do not worry, good.

As they waited for the consultation, Angie took the opportunity to speak with Ludmila, told her everything that had happened and that they would have to leave as soon as she finished the consultation. Ludmila was saddened to have to leave her friends again ... but she would not leave Angie alone, she and that baby were his family. So they agreed that she would walk home to pack, Naty would go with her ... since she wanted to be with her friend until the last minute.

When Angie finished the call, they called her for the appointment, she knew the doctor well, since Angie had always been accompanied by her since she was new, she had also been Maria's doctor. Dr. Miriam Rodriguez, had been a friend of Mary's school, had known Angie since she was a child. It was an assiduous visit to Angelica and Miguel's house, for although Maria followed a career as a singer and Miriam a medical career, they never ceased to be friends. It was she who had accompanied Maria's pregnancy, and had been present at Violetta's birth; he had also accompanied the first pregnancy of Angie and the birth of Clara. And although this time she could not keep up with this pregnancy until the end, Angie knew she could trust her, she had always been like a sister to Angie.

- Angie, how are you? And Clara, it must be huge, and Vilu? I saw her on a website singing, and she sings as well as Maria.

- It's all right. Clara is huge and every day smarter ... and Vilu is a copy of Maria.

"Well, if you came to see me, it's because you have news, right?" Angie just smiled ... and I do not need anything else for Dr. Miriam ... "Okay, and we're talking about how long?"

- Well for my accounts about 4/5 weeks. But first I need you to promise me something?

"What's the matter, Angie?" Did you separate yourself from Germ?

"No ... it does not officially mean, though technically, we're living away from each other ... but that's a long story. I need you to promise me that my mother will not know about this pregnancy?

"Wait ... your mother does not know you're pregnant." It means she's not out there waiting for you ...

No, she's a friend. Miriam, I need you to promise me ... please.

"Angie, you know that I as a doctor can not speak, but you also know that I have known you and your mother for a long time, that you are already more than patient ..."

"I know, and that's why I'm asking you." My mom and I are now ... apart. To sum up the story, she joined the father of Gérmen, and managed to take the custody of Violetta and Clara. I do not want her to take me away ... "Angie can not take it any longer and the tears fall to her.

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