Capítulo 5 - The Truth of The Lie <continuation 1>

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He was desperate, he knew he would lose her if he did not do anything, he knew she would leave and she would go with Clara. He had to try something, he could not bear to lose her, not after all they had suffered to be together, he could not allow his father to separate them on a whim, by a rage that had no meaning. So he went to her and hugged her, kissed her no matter what she wanted or thought ... the only certainty she had and that she loved her more than anything and would do whatever it took to keep her from going though.

- Please ... do not go. I love you ... - and while I told her that I loved her, and that nothing could separate them, I stroked her face, kissing her forehead, neck, face ...

- Germen ...

- Please Angie I know that you love me ... - continuing kissing her - and you know that if I never told you it is because I never wanted you to suffer ...

- Germen ... I can not, I do not want ...

But at the same time she said no and thought she could not go on with all that lie, Angie knew, she felt that she could not really be without Germen, she could not help but think of the love she had for him, and she let herself be carried away by all that she felt at that moment, thought of all that passed, in all the good moments that filled her heart. Their love was stronger than anything, and even now she could not deny it anymore, and so they let themselves go, forgetting everything that caused them pain, suffering and anguish. At that moment all they thought about was the love they felt for each other, and nothing but nothing would change what they felt in that moment, in that room. It all came down to that word, LOVE. Everything else: the lies, the secrets, the reasons, the certainties, the doubts ... everything would be reduced to nothing, simply because Love is undoubtedly the greatest and most powerful feeling of all.

In her room Vilu spoke to Leon on the telefone while sitting on her bed she was looking at Clara sleeping like an angel, barely aware of the storm approaching. Violetta was sure that something terrible would happen between Germen and Angie, she knew her grandfather would get what he wanted: separate the two of them. Leon tried in vain to pacify her, she was looking at Clara and thought only that she had to protect her. She wasn't going to let her suffer, or went through what she passed. Leon realizes how she feels, and especially what she is afraid of, but the only thing she can do at that moment was being with Clara, Angie and Germen, and somehow try to give them what she they need: her love. And as always Vilu feels that she does not need to tell him much, because he knows exactly what she feels, and knows exactly what to tell her, what she needs to hear in that moment.

Germen came to pick Clarita to lie down on her bed, and Vilu immediately told Leon that her father had just come in and that they would talk the next morning.

- Dad, how's Angie?

- It's too late for phone calls ... - Vilu makes a face of who at that moment does not want to know about sermons ... - Sorry, sorry ... She is fine.

- Dad, are not you lying to me?

- No, Vilu, I'm not lying to you. And now it's late.- And approaching Violetta, he kisses her good night. - I love you.

- I love you too, Dad. - Germen goes out with Clara and goes to bed.

The sun was still light when Angie awoke, she looks at Germen, and then at Clara who had come to Vilu's room in the middle of the night. She looked back at Germen, who slept soundly, she loved him with all her heart, with all her being, and in her heart she knew he was right in what he said the day before: the secret was not his, and he had made a promise to his mother.

But she thought of her mother: how would she react to knowing everything? Could she bear to know that her husband had betrayed her? With Rosario? That there was a daughter of this relationship? No, she could not allow it to be discovered, she had to protect Angelica, and in some way her father's memory. After all, she had done it once, at that time she had done it at the cost of her happiness, why could not she do it again? But could she sacrifice her love for Germen? This time it was not only her feelings that were at stake, it was Germen's, Vilu's and even Clara's, who although so small was already beginning to suffer with all these stories of loves and hatreds. But she had to do it, after all it was her mother and she had to protect her.

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