Capítulo 11 - Hope is the last one to die (continuation 4)

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And so were the four of them on the way to Violetta's room, while the rest followed each their way. The two doctors went their way and went to treat their other patients; Leon, Ludmila, and Frederico went to the hospital cafeteria to have lunch and talk for a while. Rosario and Luzia went to Luís's office, and while his mother told him what Professor and Rodrigo had had Luzia, he became more and more anxious.

- It was my fault ... I knew it. I screamed at her without even giving her a chance ... it was my mother's fault.

- Luzia, please, it was not your fault, my dear. Violetta ... listen dear, with everything that girl has ever suffered in my life, it even amazes me how she endured so much.

- Mom, she had a stroke because she collapsed, she may have sequelae for the rest of her life, all because I was selfish and insensitive. I just thought of myself, not for a minute did I think about what she would be suffering ... how difficult it was to see the image of the mother in me ...

- Darling you're penalizing yourself like that does not help anyone ... not you or Violetta. Please stop this and now about Angie, have you been talking for a long time today?

- Yes ... we talked about a lot: about us, about Maria, about Violetta, but mainly about the father.

- About your ... your father? And they talked about what?

- A lot Mom. But I realized that I was not the only one to suffer from all this. I never had my father with me ... but Angie, whom I blamed for stealing from him, never really had him either.

- Michael ... he ... the person he became, the one Angie portrayed, was not the Miguel I fell in love with ... he was sweet, sweet, he had a huge pride in Maria ... it was a Great father.

- Dad just got lost on the way, Mom. I think he was not bad or indifferent, he lost his way and did and said things he should not ... but he was and always will be the man you fell in love with.

- There's one thing I still do not understand ... why is Tati so eager to see Violetta?

- I do not know either, Mom ... I tried to ask her on the way here, but the only thing she said to me was" it was raw stuff ... "I did not ask her anything else.

Meanwhile, in the Ludmila and Frederico hospital cafeteria, they tried to convince Leon to go rest for a while or at least go and take a shower.

- Leon, I know you do not want to leave here, but at least take a shower. Any day you do not want to leave, you'll be expelled from the hospital for a public health attack."

- Lu ... - Frederic looks at Ludmila ... - although in a not very careful way ... - and looks at her again ... - Ludmila has a certain reason, because you are not going to at least take a shower. Germ and Angie are with Vilu ... I'll take you and I'll bring you as soon as you're done.

 - All right ... come on, but somebody has to tell us we're going home.

- Do not worry ... - and with cell phone in hand Ludmila was already writing ... - I'm already dealing with this, shall we?

So the three of them went home, when they arrived Clara was crying again, Girl tried to calm her but nothing worked. As soon as he sees Ludmila he stretches his arms and when he sits on his lap, he breathes a sigh and nestles right in the lap of it. Leon climbs upstairs to take his bath and Frederick sits down next to Ludmila.

- My little star ... what happened because she was crying ...

- She's been crying since Angie and Germ are formed though ..." says Mercedes.

- I think she shows up that something is not right." We do not think so, but these little angels feel everything.

- Clara really likes you ... although ... I'm sorry for my question, but I still have not realized your relationship with Germ and with Angie.

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