Chapter 12 - Two Surprises, One Doom ...(Continuation 1)

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The next day, Angie wakes up with Gérmen to make her party in her hair, and for a while she lets herself be as quiet as possible, she loved to wake up with those pampering, but he realizes that she is already awake and gives him a soft kiss on the neck that makes her shudder and turn to him with a smile from ear to ear and this retribui. They reach each other and kiss, as if it were the first ... soon this one becomes deeper, more enthralling ...

"I'm going to miss waking up like this ..." Angie says continuing that kiss ...

- I also ... - and they stay close together now and then giving a very soft kiss ... - I have already marked the flight, and I have something to tell you ... - and so they end up separating ... - Ludmila goes with you ... and before You say something was the one that asked me, she wants to go see Priscilla.

"Does she want to see Priscilla?" Germ, I know she's her mother and everything, but you remember the last time we went there ... I do not know if it will be good for her ...

"Angie, I can not stop her, she's her mother, and then Ludmila is older and no matter how much I do not like it, I can not do anything. But I wanted to ask you to go with her, I do not know how she's going to run, and I'm afraid.

- Of course I will, I would never leave Ludmila alone ... be rested ... - someone knocks on the door ... - Ludmila enters my dear.

"Sorry, did you tell Angie I'm going with her?"

"Yes, the Germ has already told me. Are you sure you want to go see her? "And before she said anything Angie continued ..." Lu ... the last time you saw her ... "

"Angie, she's my mother, and ... please, I do not want to discuss this with you ... Frederick is already angry with me, I do not want ..."

"Ludmila," Angie says, "we will not forbid you, nor judge you for wanting to see her." As you said she is your mother and I realize you, I am only afraid for you.

"I know they just want to protect me, and Frederick too ... but I need this, I need to feel that I know where I came from, that I still have someone I can say it is ...

"Ludmila, when all that happened happened, and I offered to be your Tutor, I did it because I already considered you my daughter ... not because of pity or because I felt compelled. I love you as I love Violetta and Clara. "Germ says, hugging a Ludmila already with tears running down her face ... - so you will always have in us a family, a shelter, a house ... come on always be here for you.

- We realize that you want to see it, it is your mother and it will never cease to be despite all the mistakes you have made ... and as the Germ said we will always be here, to support you, to love and above all to hear you.

"Thank you Germ, thank you, Angie ... I love you very much ..." and embrace each other like a family; Ludmila really feels that she has a family with them and that she is part of her, but at the same time she can not simply ignore that the mother still exists. "Angie, I wanted to go to the Hospital to see Vilu before we go, do you want to come with me?

- Yes ... of course I'll get myself and I'll go down ... - Ludmila leaves and there are only two ... - Germ I know that Priscilla is her mother but, it is good for you to continue to see her ... every time you leave there she comes from traces ...

"I can not stop her ... and I'd rather she keep asking us, at least we can go with her and be with her ..."

"I know, but it does not suit her ... the last time Priscilla tried to choke her, not to mention the shot she took ..."

"Angie, in spite of everything, is her mother, and we have to accept that she wanted to see you." I remembered why you did not ask Naty to go too, maybe afterwards I'd know how to walk with a friend.

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