Capítulo 4 - The Unexpected Visit <continuation 1>

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Olga continues with her mouth open without reaction, and suddenly starts to say a series of phrases like: "It's going to be  a catastrophe", "Now it's all going down", "Let's hide, the house will come down". Angie doesn't know what to do, Clara continues to cry and Olga continues in her delirium, and she can not calm either one of them. Suddenly Ramalho arrives, and Angie feels a little less alone in the midst of that chaos, at least someone can try to calm down Olga. Seeing all that confusion, Ramalho tries to understand what is happening, he looks at Angie then at Olga without knowing who to rescue first. He decides to go and meet Olga trying to calm her down; this one continues to say loose and meaningless sentences "He arrived, Ramalho", "Let's go, we better hide", "No, let's travel. Yes, yes that's it. "," Come on, we'll pack, I have to make everyone backs ", " It's going to be bad, will not it? Yes, it is","He arrived, He arrived ..." ... Ramalho tries without many results to bring Olga to reality.

Angie continues to try to calm Clarita, who continues to cry, as if sensing everything Olga said. Germen enters in that moment, and feels as lost as Ramalho in the middle of that confusion, not realizing well what happened; however, realizing that Ramalho was trying to calm Olga and that with some effort had convinced her to go to the kitchen to drink a tea, he went to Angie who has a completely despair face.

- Angie, what's going on? What happened to Olga? And Clara ... what's the matter with her...what's the matter with you my little one? - Germen looks to Angie and feels that she was at the break of letting go of that tension that she was building up.

- Germen! I don't know ... I don't know anything... a "Man" came ... He wanted to talk to you ... then he saw my mother ... he wanted to expel her from this house, but I don't know why...

Angie was so nervous that she said it all so quickly and in a voice so shaken that little or almost nothing was noticeable, however, Germen let her calm down a little before insisting again.

- Angie, please calm down ... I could not understand nothing of what you said.

- He tried to expulse my mother! Then I realized that my mom knew him and then they left, Olga froze when she saw him and then screamed. And I can not get Clarita to calm down and stop crying.

- Angie calm yourself a little... take a deep breath and try to calm down. - And when he tell's her that, he tries to make her sit down a little and guide her to the couch, kissing her forehead and face, trying to calm her down.

- Calm me down Germen? My mother left here with a "Man" who I do not know who he is, I can not get Clara to stop crying and Olga keeps saying those things. And you want me to calm down?

As soon as she had finished speaking, she began to cry more because she was so nervous then because she was sad, than she hug Gérmen, who in the meantime had already had Clara in his lap, who as soon as she senses herself in his father's arms, calmed down at once, she felt hugest by someone more serene, so she was feeling safer and that nothing would happen to her.

- Angie you have to be calm, please try it for Clara; why don't you go lie down for a while, try ... to rest ... Clara needs you calm.

- How can I calm down, I do not know where my mother went with that "Man" who in the time that was here only offended us.

- Angie, please, I need to figure out what happened, but first I need you to calm down.

- I'm calm ...- but Angie shivered and tears streamed down her face. - I'm calm ...

- Come on, I'll take you to the room, you'll lie down a little, ok...

- Germen, I need to figure this out ...

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