8- 8 years since that night

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Edited 05/06/2020

"Zero~!" I groan at the annoying whining voice. Zero was still in his bed, ignoring it. "Yuki! We are trying to sleep" I growl and she mutters "Lazy." I open the door and glared at her, "I dare you to say that to my face, Yuki Cross." I spit out with venom. she looks at her with a terrified look. "Stop being mean," she whines again. "WE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP. GO AWAY!" I growl and dad comes in to see what is going on. "Why are you in a mood--- Ohh, I see." Dad seems to of remembered what day it is today. "Yuki, leave them alone." I stare at her then state "I warned you to stay away from us today. Do you listen? No." 

She looks down and mumbles "I wanted to see Zero." My eyes narrow and then I hear "Little Sister?" I was about to reply but I get cut off with "Yes, Zero?" I was about to answer but Zero replies with "You're not my sister, Yuki and Cross aren't my father. (Y/n) come here..." I nod and close the door. I see him and he looked half-dead, today has always been a sore spot for us. Yuki always tries to get to us. 

'Helping' is what she calls it, I get so annoyed with her because she gets everything. She got mad at Zero because he got the same tattoo as me, We never explained why we had them because we didn't find it important for her to know. Walking towards zero, I hug him and he hugs back. "We are safe zero..." He nods and nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck. Suddenly, I could feel the presence of a pureblood. "Zero, try to sleep." 

He nods and I say "I'm going to get changed." He replies with "come back soon." walking out of the room with a tank top and shorts. I get into the bathroom and change, "Kaname~ Zero and (y/n) are being mean." Rolling my eyes at her voice I hear Dad state "Yuki, You know that it's a sore subject to them." she argues back replying "Dad! It doesn't matter. They need to learn to open up to us. (Y/n) is keeping Zero to herself. Its no fair I'm his sister too." 

I ignore her and walk back to our room. suddenly I hear someone say "You need to share." It was Yuki with Kaname. "It isn't my fault that zero doesn't open up to you. The only reason I'm here is that Dad was kind enough to take me and my brother in. Don't whine to me because you are not getting what you want." She grabs my arms, digging her nails into my skin, drawing blood. "It isn't fair!" I growl and state "There is a vampire behind you and you make me draw blood. Get off of me! You don't share Kaname so I don't need to share Zero." Pulling my arm away from her, I walk into my room and slam the door. 

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