10- Stop squealing!

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Edited 05/06/2020

Walking down the corridors, I notice that Zero and I were walking the same way, that's strange. Zero looks over my shoulder and then gasps, I quickly stare at him to make sure he is ok, "We are in the same year!" My (E/c) eye widens and so does my lavender one. "I'm with you... That's great!" He nods and we walk in, late of course. Zero gives me a kiss on my forehead. We walk in together; the teacher was about to shout then stares at me. "Are you a new student?"

I nod and say in a sweet voice I reply "Sorry for making my brother late, he was waiting for me to get my uniform. Please forgive us." He blushes and so does half the class. "Introduce yourself please sweetheart." I nod and turn on my heel to see the class. I don't see Yuki, which is good. "Hello, I'm (y/n) Kiryu. Please take good care of me and I hope we can be friends." Everyone blushes and then I walk up to the teacher whispering into his ear "Can I please sit with my brother, I'm really shy and scared?" 

He nods and states "Zero, You and your little sister can sit together." He nods and grabs my hand, dragging me to the back. We sit down and whispers in my ear "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" I tilt my head and he whispers "The cute voice." I nod and he smirks "Are you on the committee?" I nod again and he smiles "Finally, someone who isn't affected by those bloodsuckers." I giggle and he rests his head on my shoulder, falling asleep. The door opens to relieve an out of breath Yuki. She doesn't notice me and starts apologising. 

"Zero ditched me, I'm sorry!" The teacher shakes his head and tells her "Detection." She starts whining, and I groan quietly. The teacher was about to continue how, The teachers eyes land on zero and was about to shout when I quickly say "I'm sorry for him always falling asleep in class, He has to stay up every night as a guardian of this school and I suffer from nightmares so he makes sure I don't get them... Please don't shout at him. It's all my fault." His eyes soften and reply "It's fine..." 

The whole day goes ok and then the bell goes, Everyone runs out and I shake zero "Wake up brother, We need to go." He nods and grabs my hand. I get out a white band of my pocket and place it on my arm. We run to see a bunch of girls screaming. I see Yuki trying to keep them back, Maybe I could help her. "Excuse me!" I say in a sweet but loud voice. Everyone stares at me and I ask "Can you all stand in an order and don't push miss. cross, The night class will be able to see all of you and also see how beautiful you are!" They blush and stop pushing Yuki. We stand on each side and the night class walkout.


I hope you are enjoying my story, please vote for it and comment. Can you also follow me because I have a feeling that song Im going to be making a second story. -lu

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