12- touch them again, I dare you.

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Edited 05/06/2020

Walking away from those Vampires, I run towards my brother and jump onto his back. Nuzzling my face into his neck. "That tickles, (Y/n)" Zero whines and I giggle "Let's go~" He nods and continues to walk away from those bloodsuckers. We run towards our posts, I start to get bored and start to play with Zero's hair. He allows me and closes his eyes. Then I smell it. The smell of blood. "Zero!" He opens his eyes; stares at me. "Show me the way." I nod and run towards the back of the moon dorm. "Aido!" My eyes narrow; I get out Artemis, Zero gets out Bloody Rose. 

"Aido-Kun?" He stares at me, shocked "(Y/n)" My eyes go soft as I look around, "What's going on?" He was right next to Yuki. I notice she was bleeding, and so was the of the day class students. "Please back off my sister," I ask and he shakes his head. I growl and then the other boy stares at me, looking up at him I realise me was Akatsuki. I knew him from my old life. "What are you doing here?" He just points at Aido. He bites Yuki. 

I Swing my Artemis I make him back up then he freezes me, I smirk continuing to walk. "Zero don't!" Zero was about to shot so, I run up to him, making him stop "We don't need that pureblood on our ass." He sighs and then we hear "Zero, (Y/n) please put those weapons away. They are harmful to us." It was Kaname. I narrow my eyes and state "You should be worried about your loyal pets digging their teeth into your precious Yuki's skin." His eyes narrow and I whisper "Don't stare at me." He suddenly looks at Aido. 

I rip my top and wrap it around Yuki's wrist. She looks at me worried. "It's fine, I will ask dad to give me another one." she nods and I ask "Brother, Please take these girls to the headmaster." He nods and we split up. I stare at them and growl "Touch them again, I dare you." 

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