36- The stalkers

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Edited 05/06/2020

"Where are they going?" I mumble to myself, "We shouldn't be out right now. Lord Kaname will be mad." Kain mumbles to me, "I'm doing this for Lord Kaname," I argue back. Kain just sighs at me as I start following those girls. 'Why is she so important to Lord Kaname, She is like the rest of us!' I growl in my mind. "Wait for me you idiot," Kain states as he follows me. I smile and then realise what he said: "I'm not an Idiot!" He chuckles and walking ahead of me. I hate him sometimes.

We find ourselves in the forest. "(Y/n)-chan, This way." Someone shouts. "Hannah-Chan, slow down! You're too fast!" I hear (y/n) shout. 'Too fast?' "We should hurry up." I only nod and follow them. "Hannah-Chan, Did you hear that?" Another girl asks and then I hear (y/n) state "Is lunch guys!" The two girls shout "We need food! We will be back!" I hear loud footsteps run passed us. I sneak over to the girl. Kain notices the (h/c) female vamp sitting on a branch "Why must they always find me when I want to be alone?" She asks herself. 

We stay low and watch as she lays down on the branch, then it snaps. There was a scream and run towards her to make sure she is ok. Once we get there She wasn't any way to be found. "Where is she?" I shout. Kain suddenly looks up. "We have been tricked." I hear laughter behind us. "Kain and Hanabusa, What a pleasant surprise?" a soft voice asks us. "Ah, (y/n) we came because we heard shouting." She giggles softly. 

"Awe you're so sweet. Now, are you going to bite me to find out why Kaname is so interested in me? Or are you going to take me back to your lord Kaname?" She asks us. "Well Lord Kaname would kill us if we bit you. So just take you back." She giggles and nods "Fine, I helped Yuki get some of Kaname time so that is all that matters." She grabs our hands and we walk out of the forest. "Don't tell Kaname were I was ok?" We both nod and walk back towards the dorm.

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