49- my first love

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Kaname pov

I walk back into our room and smile to myself once I see my princess in our bed, Wearing my black top. I start to undress my blazer and sigh in relief. I start to unbutton my top slightly and run my hand through my hair. Nagamichi kept asking about (y/n); I knew she was a princess and beautiful but I didn't want anyone else touching her, I already have to deal with that Level C. However, It's obvious that (y/n) doesn't see him in that way. Walking towards her sleeping figure and sit next to her on our bed.

I knew she has been in the library a lot, Thinking I couldn't sense her as she leaves our bed some mornings. I found her so much fun. She is my everything. That is why I forced her into this bond. I couldn't help myself. Once I saw Yuki drinking her precious blood, I was enraged. Just because they were twins, Yuki got picked to be the princess while she got thrown away. She was quicker, Smarter, more powerful and beautiful. She was meant to be the princess of the kurans. They were too blind to see that.

I knew from the moment I drank her blood, she was her, My first love. Her reincarnation. However, now she is angry. (Y/n) is hurt and mad at the vampires. She tried to save the humans but didn't process the power, She was too weak at the time. Now she is back, Her emotions are different completely. She is sharper and less trusting. However, To me. She is still my lover, Even without the hood.

I stroke her cheek and whisper "I do, truly love you. Please remember me soon." I wrap my arms around her and place my chin on top of her head. She fitted perfectly next to me. She always has. I fall into a deep slumber next to my one and only (y/n). I hope you will find a way to forgive me. She starts to whimper and cuddle into me. I smile at this small gesture. You always have been like this, So innocent when you slept. Scared of monsters who would attack. You never fail to surprise me.   

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