70- Host partner

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I shake my head a little at the joke. "Guys, Behave. While we are here, We are guests to Ouran Academy. I won't allow your past with Yuki Cross affect our stay and image. I also won't allow you two to miss-behave or to make Cross Academy look like a freakshow. Do I make myself clear!" They look at me with shock and zero messes up my hair and states "Calm down, Geez. Aichi I can understand Dad put you up to this. She hurt you remember? She scares you." I stare at my big brother again.

I shake my head making my hair go back to normal. "I may be scared of her. However, I won't let it affect our business here nor will I run away from her. I don't need protecting from the world even though I know you could protect me from anything, Big brother." He sighs to himself. Kaname grabs my hand and pulls me up. "The bell is about to go. Let's go to the host club before we get told off for being late." I nod my head and hold out my head for my brother. He grabs my hand and I pull him up.

Kaname then starts to head towards the host club with us following behind him. What has Yuki done? I need to figure it out before we leave in two days time. I allow Kaname to drag me through the door of the host club. "Welcome guys." Kaname and Zero speak to them and I stay quiet. "Is Aichi ok?" I snap out of it and ask "Does Yuki Cross come to the club?" They cough and state "Yes, She comes here a lot, Speaking about getting revenge on someone named Kaname." 

Revenge for what? Kaname asked dad to send her away... "Kaname, You need to apologise to Yuki Cross." He sighs and states "Fine, I will." I look at Zero and state "So do you. You need to make it seem like you think of her like a sister." Zero growls and I state "Zero! Do it for me." He stops growling and nods. "Good," I look at the guys and asks "Who will be my host partner?" Tamaki points at himself and I nod my head. "Fine, I will learn from the best." He blushes and I sit down "Lets go started!" 

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