50- memories

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I wake up entangled in someone else's arms. It was Kaname. I sigh to myself and then proceed to untangle myself from his grip. Once I finally freed myself. I comb my hand through my messy (h/l) (h/c) locks. Pushing myself from the bed. I make my way towards 'our' wardrobe. I saw a bunch of black shirts and white trousers. Next to them skirts, jumpers, tank tops, and shorts. I just grab one of the black shirts he gave me, which I added my (f/c) tie which had a white cross on it too that a female student that I helped gave me. I also grabbed my (f/c) skirt and head to the bathroom.

I get washed and dressed then leave the bathroom, Once I get out I see that Kaname was awake. "Hello, (y/n)." He speaks to me. I only nod in response and move towards the door. "Where are you going?" Kaname asks me. I don't answer him. My hand makes its way towards the doorknob. Then suddenly I Kaname in my face with both of my hands pinned above my head. "Kaname, Let me go," I state but he refuses. "Kaname please, I'm scared."

 He just looks into my eyes and smiles gently. "(Y/n) you're not scared of me." He tells me but I don't believe him. "No, I'm being serious. Kaname you are scaring me!" I whimper but his doesn't listen. "Kaname..." I whimper out to him, begging him to snap out of it. He just looks at me and smiles weakly. "Lord Kaname, I'm requesting you to release me before I go and ask to be transferred. " He suddenly snaps out of it and looks at me. His eyes widen and he releases my arms and hugs me. 

He kept chanting sorry to me. I just looked at him, frozen. My memories flash in my head and I groan. Getting the strength I push Kaname away and run out of the door. "DAD!" I scream with tears threating to spill. My head was hurting and then I bump into my master. "Master, please... I'm scared, Memories..." His eyes widen and he picks me up before I hit the ground. 

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