Hungry Earth - Part Three ✔️

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Key text;
~~ = memories

A/N; Hey! I hope you liked part two! I've had some ideas and help from the author of The Pond Twins, which you all should check out! So I finally know how Grace and the Doctor will come together! I know I'm working on explaining more detail so hopefully I get all of that and I hope you enjoy this part! This episode is being cut short as I didn't really think in what will happen to Grace so I'm sorry this is cut short! Thank you - Chloe ❤️

Grace's POV-
I groan as I feel the side of my head "Doctor? Rory?" I ask as I had my eyes still closed when I got no answer I slowly open my eyes I was laying down in a glass coffin my eyes widen "Doctor! Rory!" I yell as I pound in the glass I start to panic "Oh come on! Just because I dress like a Disney character doesn't mean you have to treat me like one." I snap then realised they probably didn't understand what I meant "I mean Snow White if you didn't realise." I say again as I feel around for away out as I push at the glass I feel myself lift it a little I smile "Not so smart now are you." I whisper to myself.

Carefully I push the glass of me as I stand up I place the glass lid back down I look around I was in some sort of laboratory suddenly alarms go off I groan throwing my head back in annoyance "Alarms really!" I snap I hear people coming "Crap." I whisper as I spin around I spot a desk I quickly run over and duck down as I hide I hear people enter "The human gone." A hear a females voice I hear them pick the lid up before letting it smash I flinch "Oh could you be so stupid and not seal the coffin." The female snaps "Their friend didn't get out." A male voice said my eyes widen at the mention of Amy's name I smile.

"Let's get searching." The male said as I hear them leave I sigh as the alarms still go on I step out from the desk I dust my shorts off as I leave the room I come across many paths I decide to go straight ahead I come across these pods with lizard people inside I shudder at the sight of them I wrap my arms around myself as I speed walk away quickly I come across some more pods I look inside all of them till the last one my eyes widen Elliot was wired up "Elliot." I say banging on the pod door "Oh what have they done." I whisper "She went this way!" I hear voices i spin around as I run down some walkaways I noticed the place as cave like building filled with plant life and many walkways.

I run around a corner and come across a laboratory my eyes widen when I see Amy strapped to a bed that stood up and had a man next to her that must be Elliot's dad I push a button and the doors slide open Amy looks at me "Oh my god Grace!" Amy said as she struggles I run over to her as the man looks over "Who are you?" The man asked "I'm her soon to be sister in law." I said as I smile "Is Elliot okay?" The man asked I sigh "I don't know." I lie "The alarms that was you!?" Amy asked me I smirk "Bloody treating me like Snow White." I joke Amy laughs "Doctor and and Rory are the dwarfs." Amy jokes I laugh harder when I hear foot steps "You better run." The man said "Their about to cut open your friend." He said i was in shock "I'll be okay! Go Gracie run you've been through so much just leave!" Amy begged me.

I nod "The Doctor's coming I know he is." I tell Amy she smiles "How do you know?" The man asked "Because eleven is my lucky number." I smile Amy smiles "See you soon Amelia." I say smirking "See you soon Lily-Grace." Amy said smirking.

The Madman and The Sarcastic Girl (11th Doctor Fanfic)#wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now