The Big Bang - Part Two ✔️

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~~ = memories

A/N: Ahhhh I'm having so much writing this I love doing young Lily-Grace POV it's so much fun she going to be much as sarcastic as she can towards the Doctor specially I really hope your all liking this episode as much as I am writing it!

*1,894 years later....* Museum Foyer, Night*

Young Lily-Grace's POV-
We ran into another room Grace let's my hand go and Amelia runs next to me as the Rory guy closes the door behind us the Doctor uses a screwdriver to the lock the door "Isn't that meant for putting up cabinets?" I ask as walk over to him he frowns and looks at Grace who hid her smile he looks at the Amy girl and Rory guy who done the same he bends to my height "Don't diss the screwdriver!" Doctor tells me I frown "It's a screwdriver to put up cabinets." I repeat "Oh I'm loving this." Rory said "Oh yeah you three would specially you." Doctor said point at Grace "I'm sorry if I'm so sarcastic and truthful." Grace jokes "Truthful!" Doctor complains "Are you sure you two aren't dating?" I ask them they immediately shut up "What!?" Rory asked angry "I also may have a big mouth." Grace said shyly "Oops." I said knowing I shouldn't of said anything.

"Your lucky I love you." Doctor tells me I scrunch my nose up "Creep." I say "You can't win." Doctor said sighing Grace laughs "So, 2,000 years. How did you do?" Doctor asked Rory "Kept out of trouble." Rory said "Oh." Doctor said as he realises he still has the fez and puts it on his head "How?" Doctor asked him "Unsuccessfully." Rory said The Doctor picks up a mop planning to use it to block the door "The mop! That's how you looked all those years ago when you gave me the sonic. Also Grace was with you!" Rory said "Ah! Well, no time to lose then." Doctor said taking Grace's hand and they disappears The Doctor reappears with Grace again "Oops, sorry." Doctor said as he uses the mop to block the door "How can he do that? Is he magic?" Amelia asked Amy The Doctor and Grace disappears again.

They reappear again "Right then." Doctor said as he reaches into Amy's pocket and pulls out screwdriver "Off we go! No, hang on." Doctor said he looks at to me and Amelia "How did you know to come here?" Doctor asked us Amelia reaches into her coat pocket and pulls out the pamphlet and the sticky note "Ah, my handwriting. Ok!" Doctor said as he leaves again The Doctor reappears and gives Amelia her drink "There you go, drink up!" Doctor tells her "What is that? How are you doing that?" Grace asked him "Vortex and nasty time travel. Very bad for you. I'm trying to give it up." Doctor tells her "Where are we going?" Amy asked him "The roof." Doctor said at the top of the landing another Doctor appears, his jacket smoking he falls down the stairs and rolls to a stop.

The Present Doctor rushes over and uses the sonic on him we follow "Doctor, it's you. How can it be you?" Rory asked "Doctor, is that you?" Amy asked "Yeah, it's me. Me from the future." Doctor explained Future Doctor opens his eyes, sits up, grabs the Present Doctor and whispers in his ear before falling back to the floor unconscious "Are you... I mean, is he... Is he dead?" Grace stutters "What? Dead? Yes, yes. Of course he's dead." Doctor said as he climbs over body and goes up the stairs "Right, I've got 12 minutes, that's good." Doctor said "12 minutes to live? How is that good?" Amy asked him "You can do loads in 12 minutes... suck a mint, buy a sledge, have a fast bath. Come on, the roof!" Doctor said to us "We can't leave you here, dead." Rory tells him at that moment I felt my whole life collapse.

Grace's POV-
He can't die in twelve minutes I've only just got him I can't loose him now "Oh, good! Are you in charge now? So, tell me, what are we going to do about Amelia and Grace?" Doctor asked him we turn around and see Lily-Grace and Amelia are gone the cup from Amelia's drink lying on the floor "Where did they go?" I ask him as we runs down the steps "Amelia? Lily-Grace?" Rory asked "There is no Amelia or Lily-Grace. From now on, there never was. History is still collapsing." Doctor explained "How can I be here, if she's not?" Amy asked him "You're an anomaly. We all are. We're all hanging on at the eye of the storm, but the eye is closing, and if we don't do something, reality will never have happened. Today, just dying is a result. Now, come on!" Doctor shouts as he heads off I shake my head sadly "He won't die. Time can be rewritten. He'll find a way. I know he will." I whisper Rory covers Future Doctor with his jacket "Are you and him actually dating?" Rory asked me "Rory we have more important things to worry about." I tell him "Move it. Come on!" Doctor shouts.

The Madman and The Sarcastic Girl (11th Doctor Fanfic)#wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now