The Pandorica Opens - Part Two ✔️

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Key text;
~~ = memories

A/N: So that was the first chapter of The Pandorica Opens I really like Gracie's outfit in this episode! Please continue to vote and comment, love you all <3

*Underhenge, Night*

Grace's POV-
We went back down and me and Amy light more torches as the Doctor examines the Pandorica "So what's this got to do with the TARDIS?" Amy asked him as I hold torches and she lights them "Nothing, as far as I know." Doctor comments "But Vincent's painting... the TARDIS was exploding, is that going to happen?" I ask him worried "One problem at a time. There's forcefield technology inside this box. If I can enhance the signal, I could extend it all over Stonehenge. Could buy us half an hour." Doctor explains Amy frowns "What good is half an hour?" Amy asked him "There are fruit flies live on Hoppledom 6 that live for 20 minutes and they don't even mate for life. There was going to be a point to that. I'll get back to you." Doctor said I roll my eyes as we walk over to him Amy reaches for her pocket I watch her as she pulls the ring box from her pocket.

"So... Are you proposing to someone?" Amy asked him "I'm sorry?" Doctor asked her "I found this in your pocket." Amy said "No. No, no, that's, uh...a memory. A friend of mine, someone I lost." Doctor explains "It's true that's what he told me." I tell Amy Doctor reaches for box but AMY pulls it away "Do you mind?" Doctor asked her Amy stares at it "It's weird, I feel... I don't know. Something." Amy whispers "People fall out of the world sometimes, but they always leave traces. Little things we can't quite account for. Faces in photographs, luggage, half eaten meals... rings... Nothing is ever forgotten, not completely. And if something can be remembered, it can come back." Doctor tells us Amy snaps the box closed and gives it back "So, was she nice, your friend?" Amy asked him The Doctor puts the ring back in his pocket and heads back to the Pandorica to work on it.

He stops and looks to Amy "Remember that night you flew away with me?" Doctor asked her "Of course I do." Amy said smiling "And you asked me why I was taking you and I told you there wasn't a reason. I was lying." Doctor tells her "What, so you did have a reason?" Amy asked him "Your house." Doctor tells her "My house." Amy repeats "It was too big, too many empty rooms. Does it ever bother you, Amy, that your life doesn't make any sense?" Doctor asked her at that moment, a laser fires me and Amy scream as we all hide on the opposite side of the Pandorica "Ok, What was that?" I ask scared "Need a proper look. Got to draw its fire, give it a target." Doctor said Amy frowns "How?" Amy asked "You know how sometimes I have really brilliant ideas?" Doctor asked us "Yes." I say "Sorry!" Doctor shouts as he runs out and stands in the open, arms spread high "Look at me, I'm a target!" Doctor shouts.

The laser fires again and the Doctor ducks behind a pillar "Oh really smart move." I say sarcastically "What is that?" Amy asked "Cyber-arm. Arm of a Cyberman." Doctor explains "And what's a Cyberman?" I ask him "Oh, sort of part man, part robot. The organic part must have died off years ago, now the robot part is looking for fresh meat." Doctor said Amy's eyes widen "What, us?" She asked "It's just like being an organ donor, except you're alive and sort of screaming. I need to get round behind it, could you draw its fire?" Doctor asked us "Like you did?" I ask him shocked "You'll be fine if you're quick, it's only got one arm. Literally." Doctor said and smiles and gives two thumbs up I glare at him and look at Amy she takes my hand as we nervously returns the gesture before running, screaming, in the opposite direction the cyberarm fires at us and the Doctor comes up behind it, dives, and grabs it.

He then uses the screwdriver on it "Doctor?" Amy asked him as we step closer "Scrambled its circuits, but stay where you are. It could be bluffing." Doctor tells us "Bluffing? It's an arm!" I say chuckling "I said stay where you are!" Doctor shouts at us angry me and Amy steps back and she crosses her arms "Doctor?" Amy asked as she looks down at her feet I follow her gaze wires wrapped around her legs my eyes widen as she falls to the ground "Oh god." I say "Amy!" Doctor shouts the cyber-arm releases a large dose of energy causing the Doctor to collapse to the ground unconscious "Doctor!" I yell The Cyberman head is using its wires to pulls itself closer to Amy, binding her wrists "Gracie!" Amy said panicking as she fights it, she lifts it and stares at it as she does so, a seam opens down the centre inside is the skull of the former occupant.

The Madman and The Sarcastic Girl (11th Doctor Fanfic)#wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now