Ch. 1 Meetings at the Mall

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(A/N I would like to thank @moonlighthoying for letting me be able to rewrite her story my own way. Since she gave me permission, this entire story is dedicated to her and her awesomeness. Thanks again and I hope you and everyone reading this likes it. ENJOY!!! :D)

Finally arriving at the mall, Kevin took a quick look around and decided to start at Forever 21, since it was right by the door. He wondered if he could feel the energy radiating off of someone who had powers. It was kind of like when someone was a happy person and you could feel their excitement practically flowing out of them.

He wasn't sure if that was the case but he was willing to try. He did know that the more he used his powers, the better they got. So maybe if he tried hard enough, then that would eventually be a skill he had. Perhaps he already had it, only time would tell.

When he didn't find anyone he was looking for in Forever 21, he went to the next store, and the next, and the next, and the next. Finally he stopped at the food court, thirsty from all the walking, and decided to take a break after no success. Buying a bottle of water, he sat down and scanned the area. 'Nothing new, I should probably get going.' He thought and quickly finished his water.

He decided to check the last store: Vetements.

It was extremely expensive in that place. His entire college fund could probably get maybe an outfit and a half. He didn't know why it would be in a regular mall, but he understood that people liked clothes and he had to admit that they looked really nice. Picking up a jacket, he immediately put it back when he saw the price.

'$4,700 for an Oversized Khaki Green Military Army Flight Bomber? No thank you.'

He couldn't afford to be in this store, if something ripped he would have to pay for it. He was a college student, he didn't have that kind of money. He gave up and decided to leave. As he was walking out, he accidentally bumped into someone who was walking in.

"Oh excuse me, I'm sorry." Kevin quickly apologized, but they just gave a laugh.

"It's alright, no harm done." They said flashing him a smile, which made his heart jump.

After that they continued into the store, looked around, and picked up the jacket he was looking at. As they saw something else and went to check it out, Kevin walked outside and paused. He had no idea why he felt his heart lurch, or why it was caused by a random person he had never seen before. He wondered if it was the energy he was looking for, and if that was what it felt like.

He couldn't be sure and he didn't want to go back into the store and possible break something by being clumsy. While he was trying to figure it out, he saw a girl walking up to him. Thinking she wanted to go into the store, he started to move out of the way, but then he noticed she was looking at him curiously.

"Can I help you?" He asked politely when she got up to him.

"Um... Are you Kevin?" She questioned, a bit shy.

"Yep, that's me." He said, and she gave a relieved sigh.

"Oh good, you're still here. I was afraid I had already missed you." She told him, now grinning ear to ear.

"I'm sorry if I'm being rude but, who are you and why were you looking for me?" He asked confused.

"Oh, sorry! How silly of me. My name's Kirstie and I was looking for you because... Well... Um..." As she started to trail off, she bit her lip, took a step back, and looked around nervously.

Kevin realized that she must be one of the people he was looking for. Quickly observing her, he noticed that she did seem to be radiating with something, so much actually that he could see the faintest of a glow surrounding her. He wasn't sure if he could see it because of his powers or if she was actually glowing, but looking around the mall he saw that it was too crowded to talk about something like that.

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