Ch. 40 Trampoline

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HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!! Longer chapter for the haunted holiday! Also FYI, you guys have NO IDEA what I went through to get this chapter out today. I stayed up LITERALLY all night and had to do 2 exams with only 3 hours of sleep!!! You're lucky I love you guys. So you'd better enjoy this chapter!!!


Scott and Avi came back and saw Todrick looking through different piles of trash.

"What's he looking for?" Scott wondered.

"Did he lose the remote? I'll find it again." Avi told them and closed his eyes.

"No, he didn't lose the remote. He's looking for a bracelet for Mitch." Kevin explained.


"Because I told him to." Mitch smirked.

Scott looked confused and Avi rolled his eyes.

"Of course you did. How long's he gonna be like that?"

"Until he comes to his senses. It shouldn't be too long now."

As Mitch said that, everyone noticed Todrick's actions started to slow until he stopped completely. He looked like he was trying to process what he was doing and why, but failing to come to a conclusion.

"What was I just doing?" Todrick asked when he rejoined the group.

"You were looking for a bracelet, remember?" Kevin reminded him, then he turned to Mitch. "Do they lose their memory when it wears off?"

"Eu não sei." He shrugged. "It's not like I can use it on myself."

"Wait, have you tried?"

"A couple times, but I inevitably just end up checking myself out in the mirror... Oh! Speaking of!" Mitch turned his attention to Todrick. "Ei, Tinkerbell! Instead of a bracelet, go find me a mirror. I wanna make sure my bangs look okay."

"I'm not going to risk cutting myself on a broken piece of glass looking for a mirror." He argued, but one more charm fueled look from Mitch was enough to shut him up and send him off again.

"What should I make him look for when he comes back? I'm open to suggestions."

"How long are you going to do this?" Kevin asked.

"I think one more should be enough before he figures it out... ooh, how about a piano? It'd be fun if he actually found one."

"I doubt anyone is throwing away pianos in bulk. But you might find a few broken keyboards." Kirstie suggested.

"Hmm, that's actually not a bad idea. Thanks, Kirstin."

Todrick's actions slowed down again, but this time he was taking longer to process what was going on. He seemed to have come to a conclusion and was on his way back to confront them, but Mitch sent him out again before he could get a word out.

"Go find a keyboard!" He said quickly, and Todrick turned around on his heel.

Mitch snickered a bit, but stopped when he saw Todrick coming back sooner than expected, keyboard in hand.

"I found one." Todrick smiled, holding it out.

With a small glare, Mitch snatched it from him and sat it next to him on the desk.

"Alright, smartass. Go find a musical keyboard."


"Now." He ordered, using his charm again.

As Todrick left, Mitch noticed Kirstie was sitting on the desk too.

"Why are you next to me? Aren't you supposed to be doing something?" He asked her, slightly annoyed.

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