Ch. 17 Don't You Dare

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(A/N Another reason why I was gone for so long... Surprise!!! Double because I love you guys!!! <3 Enjoy!)

Avi finally allowed Mitch to take his spot in the passenger seat after a bit of arguing and some convincing from Kirstie. With a huge grin, Mitch tossed Kevin the keys and led them to the parking lot. It took a couple minutes, but they finally found the shiny black car. Quickly looking in the trunk, they saw their suitcases were still packed neatly together. It looked like they haven't been touched yet so they hoped all of their clothes were fine.

"I suggest we hurry, it won't be long before they notice I'm gone." Mitch told them, closing the trunk.

"Why would they care if you're gone?" Kirstie asked, as Kevin unlocked the car.

"Because of this." He said, and he took out multiple fat bundles of $100 bills.

"You stole all that money?!" Avi whisper-shouted, and Mitch shrugged.

"I couldn't help myself. Oh, and here's your wallet." He replied, handing it to Kevin.

He checked to make sure his credit card and driver's license were where they were supposed to be, already knowing all of his money was gone. Luckily, it looked like they hadn't touched them.

"Okay everyone, let's go." Kevin said, and they all got in the car.

"Ugh I'm so tired." Kirstie told them with a yawn.

"Me too, we've done a lot of stuff today and it's only been what... 8 hours? I can't wait for us to check into our hotel." Avi agreed, buckling his seat belt.

As they were driving, Kevin was amazed that his phone was still in the car. Then again, it was kinda hidden under a few pamphlets he had gotten from the airport. Grabbing all the pamphlets, he stuck them in the glove compartment so they'd be out of the way. He then quickly plugged up his phone to the charger when they stopped at a red light and sighed. Somehow everything had worked out, besides all of his cash being gone.

While waiting for the light to turn green, he glanced over at Mitch who was tapping his fingers on the dashboard and looking out the window. Curious about what he was thinking of, Kevin focused and read his mind. He was really surprised when he heard actual music coming from Mitch's head.

'Oh, well imagine. As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor, and I can't help but to hear, no I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words. What a beautiful wedding, what a beautiful wedding says a bridesmaid to a waiter. And yes but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore.'

Kevin chuckled softly and grabbed his phone to put on the song for him. A few seconds later it was playing throughout the car. Mitch looked at him as the light turned green and he started driving again. He kept his eyes on the road and fought off a smile.

"Can I help you?" He asked, and Mitch looked confused.

"How did you know I was thinking of this song?"

"Were you thinking of it? Hmm, weird. I just thought this car ride could use some tunes."

"But still, why this song?"

"Okay fine, I may have also gotten the idea from your drumming pattern. It's a pretty popular song you know." He said, avoiding the truth.

Mitch still looked skeptical but brushed it off and enjoyed the music. He wanted to sing along to it, but suddenly felt a little shy. He never really sung in front of anyone. There was only one person he trusted enough to sing in front of, and they've been M.I.A for a few months now. To avoid thinking about it, he focused on the song and started humming quietly instead.

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