Part 3

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You wake up in Tanners arms and smile, you realise that not even a break up could make you unhappy when your around Tanner. You tried to move without waking him up, but your phone went off and woke him up. "Morning Charl," I smile and said "Morning,". I said I was making breakfast and that I would bring it up. I made some stuff and took the food up and we ate and chatted about random stuff.

It's hard to believe that me, a completely normal person could be best friends with Tanner Fox, a YouTuber with over 3.5 million subscribers! We talked some more then Tanner got a text from his mom asking where he was. He jumped up out of the bed and said "Oh crap! I didn't tell my mom I was staying here! Shes probably panicking!" "About what" I replied "Staying at your house!" "Tanner it's ok my mom text your mom last night and she said it was ok," I laughed a little. After that he ended up going home because he needed to sort some stuff out.

I got dressed and then went to target to get some stuff for my mom. When I got there I saw Tanners GTR in the parking lot and when I went into target he was stood with a boy with dark long hair. It was Jacob I ran up to Jacob and gave him a hug, I haven't see him in like 4 months! "Omg Jacob! Why are you here!" I asked! Tanner replies "Charlotte I know how much you love Jacobs Videos and he always made you laugh at Vidcon, so I told him to come visit!" I hug Jacob again and then he says "Do you really like my videos?" "Yeah, I love them I love your skate park!!"
"Hey what about we grab lunch then head to a skate park, get some content." Tanner suggests.

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