Part 54

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I hugged my mom goodbye then went to my checkin. "Charlotte?....." I look at Tanner. I literally feel like all I do is get a boy then fail at a relationship and go running off to someone else, but I want team 10 to be a fresh start... "Oh hey, um I'm gone be late for my gate, bye." I walk off. I was kinda proud for standing my ground. I grabbed a quick Starbucks and walked to my gate. Some girls immediately noticed me and came to me. "Omg!! Your Charlotte! As in the world famous YouTuber!" One girl said. "Umm, I guess" I laugh with them. The took a few pics with me and then I got onto the plane.

Text Messages. - Jake - Charlotte

Hey Charlotte, we are all out for the day, but tonight, around  9, we are heading to this haunted mental asylum, fancy coming? x

Sounds really cool! Have you been before? x

We've been one but this time this kids coming with us and he knows where to go and what to do, oh I also left out that we're doing the Ouija Board in there! x

I knew you had something planned Jake! Ugh what the heck, I'll do it but if I die your dead, I guess x

Cool, see you when the plane lands.

{Authors Note}

I know I keep pausing this book but I like to write and some friends told me to keep going! I love anyone who reads this still, it kinda turning into a life story now! Comment who you want back in the storyline!

tanner fox Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora