Part 40

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"I don't want to speak to you Corey" he just left. It's difficult but I don't think why to see him. He can't just cheat on me then have me back.

I was staying at Tanner and Jacobs for a while. I had decided to just be okay with Lindsay because she was my only friend really. I haven't vlogged for a few days and I'm feeling really down. Boys keep shouting mean things at me while I'm at the skate park and I don't know what to do. Everyone has been super supportive of me and I just want to get away. Then I got a text...

Jake Paul😊💗~ Hey Charlotte! It's Jake! So Tanner told me about what happened and I thought you might want to get away! So me and the rest of team ten are going to vid con Europe and we where wondering if you wanted to come?
Charlotte💗⭐️~ OMG! Jake your so nice! I would love to come! Is it okay if I fly to you like now?
Jake Paul😊💗~ Course it is! You have 5 days until the plane leaves, I'll book your ticket now! Text me when you get to the airport!
Charlotte💗⭐️~ You don't know how happy I am rn!

I turned my phone off and packed all my stuff into 2 suitcases. I walk downstairs with them both. Tanner and Jacob where sat eating lunch.
"Erm.... where are you going!!" They both say. "Jake Paul invited me to go to vid con Europe with team ten!" I say. "Wow nice!" Jacob says. "Be careful! Hashtag prank wars!" Tanner says. "Aha okay I will! Anyways my plane leaves in an hour, I've text Capron and he's taking me!" I gave them hugs and went to meet Capron outside.

{Authors Note}

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