Part 52

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Jake and I join the others. I bought a book for the plane and some chocolates. The ride felt shorter than before. Probably because I had me and Tanner to figure out and go and see my parents. "You okay?" Jake speaks to me. I snapped out of my daydream and replied. "You know when something bad happens?" I say. "Yea..." jake says. "People tell you that everything is gonna be okay, but is it! My dads nearly dead and the boy I love hates me." I look at my feet "I don't think I'm cut out for all this drama." I say. "No one is... But you just have to try and make it work." "Yeah I guess." The plane landed. We got out bags and headed back to the house. I just randomly turned the Ellen show on.

{On The Ellen Show}

"Hey! So today we have Peggy Alley joining us to speak about the viral song she made about Tanner Fox's Guac GTR" the girl comes on. "Hey!" She was gorgeous.
"So you wrote a song, it went viral!!" "Yes I did, and it's about Tanner Fox and his Guac GTR. I just fell in love with his determination and I think the first video I watched of his was his crash video." "So Peggy, how old are you?" "I'm 17" "Nice age! So how would you like to meet Tanner?!" "I would absolutely love to!" "Well here he is!!!!" Tanner comes out of the side and goes and hugs the girl. Part of me was jealous.

I turned the tv off and went to book my plane ticket home. "You okay?" Tessa comes in. "Yeah." "You sure?" "Well, my dads nearly dead. And Tanner hates me...." I had no expression. "Oh, is that why your going home." "Yeah...." I got a call from my mom. "Oh no......" I pick the phone up and answer it.

"Hey mom...."
"Charlotte, he's gone........"
"I have to go now...."
"I love you"
"I love you too mom."

I immediately cry. "He's gone!!!!!!" Jake, Erica and the Martinez Twins run in. "Charlotte, are you okay." "He's gone...." I cry.

{Authors Note}

Ahhh! 💗 This was different.... 💗 well I hope you enjoyed it 💗 don't forget to vote and answer the question of the day. 💗 QOTD: Favourite song at the moment?  💗
By the way, I'm away all week and I don't know weather I'll be able to update! 💗 I will if I mange to get wifi! 💗 ILYGSM 💗

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