Part 25

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3 Months After Valentine's Day

"Charlotte, wanna go on a date and watch the new Disney film?" Corey shouts for me. "Moana?" I shout back. He walked into my room. "Yeah," he says. "Is 30 minutes enough for you to get ready?" He says laughing. "Ha Ha!"  I say slamming the door on his face. "Love you!" He says. "Love you too!" I say back. I wore a skin tight golden dress and some black sandals, with my hair curled. I already had some makeup on so I just put my mascara on and walked into the living room."Babe, you ready?" I shout. "Two minutes, just getting my coat!" He says back. He didn't know that I had put his jacket on. I giggled to myself when he walked downstairs and saw me. "Hey!" He shouts grabbed my waist. "Heyyyy!" I say back. "You look gorgeous" he says that planting a kiss on my cheek. "Thanks, this coat really finishes it off!" I say. "Yeah, but only cause its mine!" He says laughing. He got his other coat, we got into his new BMW and went the the cinema.

Something about the night just didn't seem right, I didn't know what but it just wasn't a good feeling. "Large pop corn and a large ice blast please." He says handing the guy some money and taking two straws from the pile. We walk into the cinema holding hands. "Charlotte!?" I hear a voice say. I turn my head and start to shake, nearly dropping the popcorn. "T... Ta... Tanner!?" I say. "Hiya!" He says. "What are you doing here?" I ask. Now Corey turned his head around "Tanner!" He says. I look at the girl sat next to him and she smiles at me. "Hey, I'm Tanners sister!" She says. "I'm Charlotte, Tanners ex." I say almost holding my breath. "Oh..." she says, I squeezed Corey hand even harder to tell him that we needed to go. "What are you doing here?" I asked for the second time. "Me, Jacob and my sister moved out here cause we got sick of San Diego." Tanner says. "Dam, I know this is super awkward but I just wanna be friends again! It's hard without you Charlotte!" Tanner says. "How bout your u and Jacob come over to ours tomorrow, okay Corey?" I ask. "Yeah sure babe," he says. "Babe?!!!!" Tanner says, "Yeah we are dating?" I say laughing. "I'm actually surprised you don't watch Corey and Caprons videos! Then you would have known." I say. "Yeah sorry!" The movie ended and we walked out the cinema. I got into Corey's car and we just sat in silence for a minute. "I'm sorry," I say. "For what?" He asks kissing my cheek. "For everything! I don't want to fall for Tanner! I won't! But I'm just scared! I'm going into this blind, I love you so much Corey, and I do t want to lose you!" I say. "Charlotte! It's okay, everything is okay, when we get back we can just chill, you are perfect and I LOVE YOU!" He says, comforting me. "Thanks Corey, love you too!" I say.

He pulled the car out of the lot, as we leave I see Tanners GTR in the lot and he catches my eye, I smiled and then he said something to his sister while never breaking eye contact with me. We got back. "Capron," I say as he walks and hugs me. "Tanner, Jacob and Tanners sister have moved here," I say keeping calm. "What!? Really!?" Capron says. Corey nods twice. "I swear if they go near you Charlotte!" Capron says. "He told me he just wants to be friends, I want to give them a chance and Tanners sister seems so nice and I could do with another girl friend," I say. "Okay, but be safe," Capron says. "Aye! That's my job bro! She's my girlfriend," Corey says laughing. "Whatever you two! I'm going to bed now guys, been a long day." I walk up to my room, shut the door and take my make up off. I slept until about 3:40 am, I woke up from a nightmare.


The bed was cold and I woke up. I ran into the bathroom. My face was red and my hair was cut up to my ears. I panicked and ran to Corey's room, he wasn't there, I ran to Caprons room, he wasn't there. I go downstairs and see a note on the table saying 'Charlotte, you betrayed us, we left.' I cried and cried and cried.

~Back To Reality~

I go to the bathroom, my face was pink, but only because I was hot, and my hair was its normal length is a ponytail. I splashed water on my face. I walked to Corey's room and he wasn't there. I walked to Caprons room and heard them taking. "Corey, I don't trust them after what's happened" I heard Capron say. "Come on, if Charlotte wants to be friends with them she can, please just make her happy, she special to me." I heard Corey  say. "Ugggh! Fine!" Says Capron. "I love her so much" Corey says, "I do too bro," Capron says. I smile. I go back to bed.

{Authors Note}

I decided to carry on! I'm super happy that some of you commented and wanted me to write more! I wrote most of this in school, so if it's messy I'm sorry :( LYSM! x

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