Part 8

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I was actually so excited to see Tanner B, it had been about 9 months since I last saw him.

"Hey Charlotte, Jacob wants to know if we will stay a little bit longer in Arizona, is that ok with you?" Tanner F asked. "Yeah sure, Jacob turned around and smiled at me.

We got to the airport, climbed out the car and went to arrivals. Tanner B came through the doors and walked up to us. "Tanner, bro how are you?" Tanner B asked Tanner F. "Good mate u?" He smiled back and Tanner B replied "Great now i'm here!" He goes to Tanner F and then Jacob and gives them a handshake hug thing that guys do. "Yo, Jacob" Tanner B speaks to Jacob for a second, "Oh my god! Charlotte! It's been too long." He comes and hugs me. "I know, I've been so excited to see you again!"

We got into Tanners GTR and went back to the house. "Guys?" I say as we walk in. "Yeah?" "What's up?" "Yes?" They all turned round to look at me and I said "Where's Tanner B gonna sleep,?" "Omg yes, I didn't think of that!" Tanner F looks worried. "I can take the couch it's okay!" Tanner B assures us. "Are you sure we can swap!" I say smiling at him. "Well where do you sleep?" Tanner B asks me. "I sleep in Jacobs room," I replied "I think that Jacob would kill me if I took you away from him," he laughed. "Okay, Tanner B your definitely on the couch now!" He looks at Tanner B laughing.

I just realised I'm in a house with 3 boys, which 2 of I think like me and I've got no parent here to tell me what to do and Tanner F says we have to stay longer! This is too much testosterone to deal with under one roof.

We all go to bed, Tanner F in his room, Jacob in his bed, me on the trampoline and Tanner B on the couch. I wake up and see that Jacobs gone. I walked down stairs to see Tanner F watching TV, Tanner and Jacob making breakfast. It's typical cause Tanner F is super lazy and doesn't do anything, normally Jacob makes breakfast but with Tanner B helping it might be even better.

We all sat down and started eating toast. "So Tanner B, how long are you staying here for?" I ask. "Until you and Tanner F go home, and then I'm coming with you!" He replied "No way! That's going to be so good! Remind me to get broken up with more, that's when good things seem to happen?..." I laugh.

Eventually we came up with a video idea. Doing Flips for kisses. When I say we, I mean the annoying boys did...

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