Part 30

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Lindsay dropped me back at the Funk house and I walked in. "Hey Char." I look to my left and see Capron. "Oh hey, is Corey home?" I say. "I think he's editing a video," Capron says. "Okay! Thanks!" I say making my way up the stairs. I walked into Corey's room and he wasn't there. I quickly looked out the window and he wasn't on the trampoline and his phone wasn't there either. I quickly walked back downstairs, Capron was making a coffee. "He's not here?" I say to Capron. "Oh... he said he wasn't leaving until 3," Capron replies. "Where was he going?" I ask. "The place that makes out t-shirts I think," "Oh okay, I'm quickly gonna go get some trampoline clips then we can go get some tea, cause Corey won't prolly be back until 6ish." I say. "Yeah cool, can I help you with you video." He says. I grabbed his hand and my camera then ran out side to the trampoline. I set the camera up on the balcony and we started doing some flips.

Tanner pulled up outside the house in his GTR and we made eye contact, I smiled at him. "Hey Tanner, what's up?" I shout. "I really need to speak to you," he say getting out of his car. "Okay," he followed me into the house and we went to my room. "So what's up?" I say. "Well....." He mumbles. "Huh?" I say. "I think I'm I love with you." He looks at me. "Omg! I don't even know what to say." I look at him, He kissed me.

{Corey's POV}

I go inside the house and walk up the stairs, I look into Charlottes room and see her with Tanner, then he kissed her. I stand in horror for a few seconds, until she pulls away. "Tanner! I'm with Corey! You can just come here say you love me and then kiss me when I'm with Corey!" I walk in. "Bro! What are you doing?!" I shout. Tanner starts laughing. "Guys it's a prank! Me and Capron have been planning it for weeks!" He points at a camera on top of the TV. "Tanner! Don't do that! It's not funny! Charlotte shouts punching his shoulder. "Well at least she's loyal!?" Tanner says. "Yeah, I guess" I pull her hand and kiss her, "love you," I say. "Love you more." She says" "I'm gonna be sick guys stop!" Tanner shouts.

{Authors Note}

I know this is short but it's because this is my second chapter of the day meaning that I have done over 1000 words! So don't get all mad wid me! Okayyy ✨💗 LYGSM

My Instagram ~ @foxdarezzogoalz

tanner fox Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang