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No idea how to say this but here goes, this story is dragging on so much, I'm lazy with the updates and all together I'm just not into it. Recently I've stopped watching a-lot of the major characters in the story, for example It's probably been about 3 months since I last watched one of Tanner's vlogs, and all together i'm just no as into this story any more.
But never in a million years did I ever think that some fanfic could get as many reads, hits as it has. It's overwhelming how many people have read my small book. In the long run i don't want to stop writing because at the end of the day I do love it. But i can't carry this on because i'm not feeling up to it anymore.
Thank you to anyone who's been here since my
first chapter !!
Now I'm going to come up with new story ideas, whether they are fanfics, story's or just plain fiction.
Love you all,

tanner fox Where stories live. Discover now