chapter 5:-

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Soon it came freshers night all girls were at kostuki's home and all bouys were at jiggi's home boys came to the venue but alas the girls were no where to be seen.

They were waiting for girls for 30 minutes but as they came boys thought that it was worth waiting, because their partners were looking very beautiful indeed the needed time to get ready like a fairy.

Randhir didn't see sanyu as she was behind shina. Shina was also looking good but she had worn a knee length frock but was backless. Rd was looking at shina, but parth had already noticed sanyu, so he was walking towards sanyu but it was looking like he was going towards shina so, it drag rd's attention, but a parth took a pretty hand with full of bangles , rd saw her anklet and his gaze was coming towards her face .

And the world stopped there. She was looking very pretty, actually no word can define her cuteness ,,, but soon his gaze fell on her hand wich was held by some manly hand. He dragged his gaze towards the face of that man and that was indeed the last face he wanted to see.

he quickly took shina in his arms and put his hand on her waist, as shina liked rd at first sight she did not mind. She happily cling on him soon they all went into the party all were seated together , chit chatting about random topic all were giggling and laughing.but one soul was silent, he himself doesn't know why he is feeling strange.

And there came and announcement for all freshers to be gathered in front of the stage. They went and stood in front of the stage.

Host:- " so guys without taking your precious time I would like to tell you that we will have a competition to get this year's miss and Mr fresher .
For that you have to go through 3 rounds."

H:- " so lets start with the first round, girls and boys please get divided into two groups. so now the boys will be blind folded and the girls will be in a straight que. Boys have to select their partners with blind fold."

Soon the boys got blind folded and all girls stood in a line. But two souls were praying a girl to be their partner. Yes rd and parth both wanted sanyu to be their partner.

Parth because he was clear with the feelings that he loves sanyukta truly and rd because he thinks rather pretends to think that parth is hitting on sanyu and he is not good for her. So to protect her he has to be there unaware of his own feeling.

Many boys selected their partners and some were failed to do so, it was the time for rd to go and parth was tense as he cleary doesn't like rd around sanyu.

Rd started walking and thinking how to find sanyukta , suddenly an idean came in his mind and now he was sure that his sweetheart will be his pair only.

Rd:- " oh my shinu baby, where are you my love" he said in low voice as they ere not allowed to speak.

As rd completed his sentence he heard a whisper " oh my shinu baby , my love huhh " and he quickly went to the owner of the voice and grabbed her hand quickly.

Three souls were beyond shock, parth sanyu and shina, as randhir was holding sanyu's hand. Yes it was his wise trick to get his princess.

He knew that somewhere sanyu doesn't like shina so played his master card. It was parth's turn he dis-heartedly grabbed a random hand and it was again a bad luck coz the girl was shina.

But one soul was very happy actually beyond happy, and another one was confused looking at his smiling face.

S:- " why are you smiling?"

Rd:- " coz I am beyond happy." still smiling

S:- " care to explain"

Rd:- "yes sure. Because I am your partner and mummed(not that parth)"

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