chapter 98 :-

313 55 16

Author p.o.v

Aniket called rd “ yes jiju" rd said…

“Rd come home now… Agrawal mansion” saying this he cut the call.

At Agrawal house everybody gathered from both the families. In spite of Sanyu’s hundred of pleads Aniket did not keep mum. He called both the families and told them the whole matter. Everyone was busy in their own thoughts. Sanyu was desperately waiting for rd to come, as in the past four months she hasn’t seen rd. But at the same time, she doesn’t want him to come here as everyone here is waiting to burst on him for his did. No matter what she still loves him and cares for him.

Her eyes were glued on the door as it got opened and there came rd. She was not even blinking as if he would be vanished if she would blink. But not even for once rd looked at her. That made her heart hurt. He straight away came to papa and touched his feet but dad didn’t respond.

“What happened papa?”

“Sit rd" he sat on the couch near by.

“Rd is that anything you want to explain. Think before you say no.” Papa said.

Rd was looking at him confusingly as if he know nothing about what papa is talking.

“Sorry papa but I am unable to understand what you are talking about. “ he said pretending innocence.

“rd I am coming straight to the point, what happened to you since the day after sanyu’s accident. You seen distant from all of us. Rd beta we are a family. If there is any problem or issue you could always discuss with us, so that we can prevent all these. “

“ There is no problem or any issue papa… everything is ok. “ he was still stubborn to spill the beans.

“Ok let’s agree with what you said. But then why are you avoiding sanyu. Its not right beta. Since the day of her accident you haven’t talked to her. You only tell me, is it right?”

“So you back bitched about me right" he said referring me and looked at me for a fraction of second and then looked away.

“Rd this is not the way to talk to her. Mind that well" mom said.

“rd have we taught you to behave like this with your wife? Where are your morals?” dad said angrily.

“I am sorry dad, papa, maa, mom and everyone but I feel that this is my personal life and I don’t want to discuss it with you all.” Everyone was shocked to see rd behaving like this. In past seven years rd never disrespected any of our elders. This is the first time he did all these.

“Rd I will not tolerate your rude behavior against my daughter, because I won’t let her suffer. She is suffering because your behavior. “Chachu said angrily.

“Then she should be with the one who makes her happy.” Rd said making my world crash.

Before anyone could register dad planted a tight slap on his face. He seemed angry after that. His clinched jaw was the proof of that.

“Idiot, do you even know what you are saying??” dad yelled.

“I need to go to office. I don’t want to discuss anything with anyone. “ that was his last words before he stormed out of the house.

“I am sorry on behalf of my idiotic son. I promise I will correct all these. “dad said to papa and chachu.
“I think we should go…”mom said looking at me.
“Renuka ji, I am sorry to say this but I think I will not allow her to go to the house where her husband behaves this way.” Papa said.

“Are kishore I know this is rd’s fault, but that house is sanyu’s as well. I will make everything right I promise. Let her come. “ dad pleaded.

“I Am sorry harshji but I will not allow that.” Chachu said.

“We don’t intend to break her marriage, but the current situation screams that we shouldn’t let her go, renuka…” maa said to mom.

“Maa papa, I wanna go. I wanna try till everything gets normal. I know he loves me unconditionally.  Its just a misunderstanding. I want to try. I will be ok. Please let me go.”

“But beta…”papa said but I interrupt.
“Papa pleasee…”

“Ok. I respectyour decision. “
And everything went back to their respective jobs.

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