Chapter 1: Congratulations!!

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We are at school, the Graduation Ceremony just ended and the students went for picture taking to anyone even if they're not close to that someone.

Funny haha... I laughed inside.

"Hey Jane come here let's take a picture together." KC grabbed me and let her mother take a picture of us three.

Pat, KC and I. We've been friends since elementary. We went on the same school until we have graduated. It's sad to think that our paths will be separated going on to college.

KC will take a medical course, because she likes to become a doctor. And in our group, she is the one who's brainy.

Pat on the other hand wants to be a famous fashion designer that's why she'll go to fashion school.

And then there's me, wants to have a band and become famous. On the brighter side, thought my parents would disagree, but I'm happy, that they have put their 100% support on me becoming a musician. Music is my life. I couldn't imagine my life without playing music.

Anyways. You see? Our interests are far from each other.

"Let's spend the remaining time of this day together. It's our 1st time to be separated." I told them.

"Aigooooo our Jane will miss us!!" Pat said doing an aegyo.

"STOP THE AEGYO THING! It's creepy." I said.

"HAHA Jane it's your last time to see that aegyo from Pat. Just let her be." KC said laughing.

"Jinja! We're just neighbours duh. It will not be the last time seeing Pat doing an aegyo." I replied.

"But we will be busy in our lives and you can barely see me doing an aegyeo." Pat said in an aegyeo voice and slighly pinch my cheeks.

"Yah stop it, but still!!" I'm not mad. I just like teasing Pat. Haha

"YAAAAAH KC-yaaaah, Jane is mad." This girl is such a baby haha.

"Yah stop it you two! Haha you know what let's just have fun today!!" KC said.

"How can I have fun if Jane is like this? Huhuhu" Pat said.

"Ah jinja! I'm just joking Pat. You can do unlimited aegyeos if you want!!! Haha lezzgow!!" I said. We told our parents that we will be spending the rest of the day to bond with each other. And will comeback after a week. We planned this a month ago haha.

"COME ON!!!" And i placed myself in the middle of them and my arms on their shoulders.

"CONGRATULATIONS! CONGRATULATIONS!" We shouted happily on our way out of the school.

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