Chapter 11: Yeppeo

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Brian lets Jane come in. And let her sat on the couch. Brian went towards the cabinet and gets some bondpaper and pens.

"By the way, why do you want to compose a song?" Brian asked, while putting all the stuffs on the center table and sat beside Jane.

Jane moved a little distance away from Brian.

"Ah it's not that I want to, but Jyp gave us an assignment which is to compose a song." Jane said.

"Ah." Brian responded.

How can I ask him tips if we are this awkward with each other?.... Jane thought.

Why did I offer to help her in the 1st place?... Brian thought



They both spoke together.

"You go 1st." Brian said.

"No you go 1st." Jane said.

"No. You go." Brian said.

"Okay I'll go 1st." Jane said. Not wanting to argue with him. "Ah how can you write a music?" Jane asked.

"Hmm you just need to think an inspiration." Brian said.

"Is that it?" Jane asked

"Oh then, when you think, you can form words on your head and gather it all together and then click clack bada bim bada boom! You now have a song! Easy!" Brian said proudly while laughing.

Jane raised her eyebrows, not happy of what Brian said.

"Tsk YOU'RE NOT HELPING ME. Maybe I'll just call Jae later. BYE."

Jane stood up and walked towards the door, but Brian blocked her way.

"Yah! MOVE!" Jane shouted and stepped on Brian's foot.

"Ouch! Aiiiiiish!" Brian shouted in pain.

Jane continued to walk, then Brian still managed to stop her from going out.

"Look sorry! I was just refraining us from having an awkward moment. I guess I'm not good at that." Brian explained.

Jane angry expression changed into an embarrassed one.

"Uhm sorry too for shouting on you and stepping on your foot." Jane said while slowly raising her hand doing a peace sign. ✌

Brian chuckled.

"It's okay." Brian said smiling.

Omo? It's my 1st time to hear him laugh and see him smile? Why does my heart flatter? Omooooooooooo.... Jane thought.

"Neeeeeee." Jane said.


The two got back on the couch then Brian is giving tips to Jane.

"As I have said if you think of an inspiration, you can think of words and then you put the words all together then form it into a phrase or sentence." Brian said.

"Inspiration? I don't have one!!!" Jane said disgusted.

"No one? It's impossible. All of us have." Brian told Jane.

Jane drew a big smile on her face...

She looks so pretty. Why am I feeling this?.... Brian thought.

"What?" Brian is back in his old expression.

"Whay about you? Who's your inspiration?" Jane asked.

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