Chapter 34: Brotherly Talk

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Monday came and the girls went back to their normal routine. They went to class, JYP just let the girls watch his former student's music videos like "Nobody" by Wonder Girls and "Bad Girl Good Girl" by Miss A and etc. The girls were amazed.

"So now as you can see, they are very successful. And I'm proud of them!" Jyp said proudly.

Jyp kept on telling them stories about his past career, why he decided to become a professor here in the university and why did he choose to handle girl students like them than gentlemen.

"I like ladies, because they are fast learners and not hardheaded hahahah" Jyp said. Some of the girls were listening and some were just waiting for the time to end.

After an hour and a half, JYP ended the class and gave them their next song to perform.

"Okay so let's call it a day and here are your next songs." JYP handed each band the envelop that contains their song. "Practice. 3 weeks from now you will perform again. Okay? HWAITING!" JYP said and then left the room.

"Urgh. I think we have wasted 1 hr and 30 minutes of our lives listening to his lifestory." Riyeon, one of the XOXO members said.

"Yah. It's so boring!" Min said. XOXO kept on complaining about JYP as they are leaving the room. But before leaving the room they stopped and stared at Geranium and then they rolled their eyes together and then left.

"Tsk. Such immature dolls!" Ayeon whispered to herself and rolled her eyes as XOXO left the room.

The 4 Geranium members chuckled.

"They feel like they're the stars haha" Sana said. One of the TWICE members. "Bye! We'll practice hoping for our 1st win! Hahhah" she continued, as she and the other members waved at Geranium and Blackpink.

"We gotta go too!" Jennie, a Blackpink member said and they left. Leaving Geranium inside the room.

Geranium decided to stay for a little while and they decided to open the envelop.

"The remaining songs are from Jane and Lisa." Chae said.

"Yeah yeah! Whose song could it be now?" Dahyun said. They all compressed together as Ayeon is opening the envelop. She slowly pulled the paper inside it.

"DUMB DUMB?" Ayeon said.

"OMO IT'S MINE!" Lisa said.

"Are you dumb?" Ayeon teased Lisa.

"Tsk! Give me that! You don't know how to treasure music!" Lisa said. The 4 laughed.

They head to their practice room to learn Lisa's song.

"Woah Lisa I love your composition!" Jane said.

"Kamsahamnida Jane-ah!" Lisa said with a smile and turned to Ayeon and maked face at her. Ayeon smirked and ignored Lisa.

And they went back to practice for rounds.

Day6 was practicing with their new song. It was the song that Brian threw at the park when he saw Jae and Jane before. Jae requested to have that song.

"Ah! Let's have a break!" Dowoon said as he put his drumsticks on the floor and threw himself on the couch.

"I like the song Bri! You're really inlove with Nayeon! I bet she's your inspiration behind this song!" Sungjin said and put his arms at Brian's shoulders.

"Don't cling on me. And Nayeon and I..." Brian said he paused for a while and think for the appropriate word to say.

"Broke up." Jae said and the 4 turned their heads to him.

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