Final Chapter

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Conscience and sadness filled me up. I should have thought of my words before telling Brian to go. My realizations were late. He's gone now.

"Leaving me again huh!" I said crying while shouting. I feel like I'm going hysterical. Some people are watching me. I don't care. "You said that you still love me? But what now? You're leaving again!" I can feel Jae hugging me. Comforting me. But that has nothing to do now. Even if they're comforting me it's no use.

Jae lets me sit on the bench. I'm trying to calm down, but my tears are on storm right now. They can't stop flowing.

"Jae wae? Why am I such a fool? If I could just have forgiven him. I let my pride rule out. I did not gave him a chance to explain. I even let him leave." I said still crying. "I didn't wanted him to go. Really. I want him back. I LOVE HIM! I NEED HIM JAE! BRIAN COME BACK!!!" I cried out loudly. I even called his name multiple times. "Comeback. Please."

The very 1st  moment I  saw Brian, I knew that there's something in him that would change my life. And he did. He made my life colorful, he filled my empty spots with happiness. And now that he's gone again, I feel like I'm dying. I feel like there's something lacking inside me.

The others were just standing beside us. Jae stood up and whispered that he would buy me water. I nodded. I can't stop sobbing.

"You really want me back?" I nodded. "Do you really love me?" I nodded again. "Are you really a fool?" I nodded again.

Wait what? I turned  to see who kept on asking those questions.

"B- B- B- Brian?" I stuttered. It seems like I saw a ghost. I was surprised when I saw Brian infront of me standing with his arms crossed. "B-b-ut how?" I'm confused. What in the world? I can see that the others are holding their laughters. What? Wait? I can't understand.

"W- w- wait I thought y-y-ou're leav-v-v-ing?" I asked him with a confused tone. I gaze back and forth to the sky and Brian.

Brian just nodded and smiled sarcastically.

Flashback: (Brian's POV)

"I wanted to go back to America Jae. Jane wants to forget about me. And she wanted me to forget about her. And this is the only way." I told him. "On the way here awhile ago. I booked a flight back there and I also talked to Jaebum hyung already."

"What?!! Leaving again? Bro." Jae said with disbelief. I nodded.

"It's for the better Jae. Jane doesn't want me here. And this is what she wants so I'll give it to her." I said. "And maybe it's time for me to move on too." I added. Eventhough I do't want to. I love her so much.

"Do you really love her right?"  Jae asked me and I nodded. "See then fight for your feelings Bri! Don't just ever give up!"  Jae said.

"How can I not give up when she had given up already?"  I said. I really lost my motivation. Because she's pushing me away.

"You're too weak bro! Booo!" Jae rolled his eyes. Maybe I became weak, because she's my only strength.

"C'mon I have a plan! Call Jaebum and cancel your flight! We have a mission to do." Jae dragged me outside and we went to mall. We went there and buy a stuffed toy. I don't know for what. And then he drove me home using my motorcycle.

"This is for Jane. Write her a letter saying that you're going back to America. Make it dramatic and convincing! I need it next week! Annyeong!!" And then he left me.

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