Chapter 59: Flight Log: Departure

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Days have passed after that night happened. Jane is still thinking about Brian's words. It's haunting her. But everytime she remembers it she will just shake her head and pretend not to know.

She continued with her daily routine. Going to the university and teach. Dahyun always invites Jane to come to Day6's gigs, but she will always decline.

"I noticed these passed few days that  you always refuse to come. Why Jane?" Dahyun said.

"I'm busy Dahyun. Mianhe." Jane said while fixing her things even though she's not.

"Why is it because of Brian right? I know you Jane." Dahyun said. Jane kept quiet. "Jane c'mon. Just don't mind him." She continued.

"Not mind him? How can I NOT mind him, if he's the one who... who..." Jane are finding the right words. "Who's always on my mind." Jane sighed. "It's easy for you to say not to mind him, because you're not the one who's hurt. I don't understand you all. Why do you act like nothing happened for the past 5 years? It's like you're siding on me that time and when Brian showed up you were all acting like nothing happened." Jane sat down ad let out a big sigh. "I still love him Dahyun." Jane said. Dahyun then grabbed a chair and sat infront of her. "But I want to forget him." Jane added.

"Sorry Jane for being insesitive. I will not force you to come with us. Brian told us what happened that night. He told you the truth Jane. I do hope that you'll believe him. He still loves you too." Dahyun said. There was a quiet atmosphere. "I also do hope that you'll forgive him."  Dahyun stood up and gave Jane a tight hug and then left. Jane was left alone.


Day6 are setting up the stage for tonight's show. Everyone is busy. It was a special day, because it's Jae's birthday

"WHAAAAAT? She wouldn't come?" Jae said. "But it's my birthday! How could she?!" He continued. Dahyun hit his head.

"Stop acting like a kid. She's just tired and needs some rest. It's not easy to be a teacher." Dahyun lied. It's not the reason why Jane could not come.

"But now a days she's always not coming to our gigs." Wonpil said.

"Yeah. He's right. Is there something wrong with her?" Sungjin asked.

"Maybe she's not really feeling well. Let's just enjoy the night." She lied again.

"By the way where's Brian?" Jae said.


Before Brian make his way to the gig, he went pass to Jane's house. He would like to speak to Jane again about what happened that night. But as he rang the doorbell, Mrs. Kim showed up instead of Jane.

"Oh Younghyun, what brings you here?" Mrs. Kim asked.

"Goodevening Mrs. Kim. Can I speak to Jane?" Brian politely asked.

"Well, Younghyun. Jane isn't home. She just left an hour ago. I don't know on where she is. I'm sorry." Mrs. Kim explained.

"Oh. It's okay Mrs. Kim. Thankyou." Brian said.

"I'll just tell her that you came as soon as she gets home." Mrs. Kim added. Brian nodded and smiled.

After that, Brian stayed for 30 minutes infront of Jane's house. Until he received calls from Jae. Texts from Sungjin asking on where he is because the gig is about to start.

"Oh sht right. I still have a gig to go to." Brian said and started the engine of his motorcycle.

Maybe Jane is coming. It's Jae's birthday. It's impossible that she will miss her besfriend's birthday.... Brian thought.

How Can I Say? // Day6 FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora