Chapter 58: I Loved You

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FLASHBACK (Chapter 57)

"Hey you! You black-haired guy! You look like a turtle with your hair hahahahah"

"Jane. Stop it. You're drunk. Let me drop you to your house."

"Andwaaae! Let Jae do that. I aint going with you!"

"Look? Jae is very drunk. He couldn't afford to drop you off. I said stop drinking anymore!"

"Andwae! Who are you to stop me. We're not together anymore. So shut the f*ck up! Kang Brian Younghyun Young K whatever your name is!" After the party with the MyDays, Day6 and Geranium were left at Dowoon's restobar for their "after party". They drank the night away. They're all drunk that time. To the point that all went to sleep at the restobar. Except for 2. Brian and Jane. Brian is the only person who's not drunk, because he doesn't want his head to hurt. Jane on the otherhand was the other way around.

"By the way, why do you have so many names? I'm confused." Jane said. She's drunk. "You wanted to be called YoungK right?" Brian nodded. He's just listening to Jane. "It's the code name you used when you're sending me gifts before. Haha" Jane laughed. Brian smiled while rmembering those times. "But I don't want you to call you YoungK. Because that's not you. You're Brian. You're my Brian. You WERE my Brian. Haha" That time Jane let out a sad laugh. Brian's face became serious.

"Bri wae?" Jane sighed. "We were happy. What's wrong with me?" Jane is looking straight at Brian's eyes. "You know what? I resent you. I hate the times I had with you. To be honest, after I lost you, everything became meaningless." Jane was in the urge of crying. Brian didn't say a thing. Instead, he just kept on listening. "After you left me, my world had already stopped. It had already ended. Just like our love." She continued. Jane broke her voice. She's crying while talking. "To be honest, no matter how much I try to erase you, I know I can’t." After that Jane became silent for awhile, but still she's crying. Brian just looked at her.

"Even though you hurt me, even though you don't know how much pain I felt and how much I suffered when you left me, you're still the one who makes my heart happy. And that's why I hate you even more, because I CAN'T HATE YOU. I still love you Bri. After 5 years my feelings for you are still the same. And it's hard very hard. You're someone whom I cannot forget. You really made a big impact in my life." Jane cried even more. She stood up and gave slight punches on Brian's chest. Brian just let her. He thought that he deserved it.

I wanted to tell Jane the truth behind. But this is not the right time...... Brian thought.

After Jane finished punching him, she landed a big slap on Brian's face. Brian was surprised. He didn't expected it. After that Jane fainted. Luckily, Brian was able to catch her. He carried Jane (piggy back ride) and drop her to her house.


"Goodevening maam!" Brian met Jane's mother.

"Y-younghyun?" Jane's mom was shocked. "Omo what happened to Jane?" Brian explained what happened. Mrs. Kim immediately let them in and went straight to Jane's room.

"Younghyun. Aigoo. Long time no see. How are you?" Mrs. Kim said.

"I'm fine. Mrs. Kim. How about you and Mr. Kim?" Brian asked.

"We're fine. Jane's dad is in Busan right now." She explained. "Perhaps, you want some tea?" She offered.

"Oh. Thank you Mrs. Kim. But I have to go now." Brian respectfully refused.

"Oh? Really? Maybe next time. Here take this with you." Mrs. Kim handed Brian some cookies she baked earlier.

"Kamsahamnida Mrs. Kim. I gotta go!" He said.

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