Chapter 53: Jaehyungparkian

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Jae's POV (A week before the Reunion)

It's been 5 years since that ugly little sh*t left us. The next day after Geranium was crowned to be the rookie of the year, Brian never showed up. He left without a single word. No calls, nor letters (even though sending letters are out of the trend nowadays) we had received. No clues on where he is. Until we found out that after 2 years of being gone, he debuted as a solo artist in America. He went there and trained. I know it's his ultimate dream to be a part of SM, but HELLO? I thought we're a team. It made me angry plus I witnessed how Jane suffered from crying over Brian. It hurts me seeing her like that. I should've fight for my feelings with Jane before instead of giving up on her. She wouldn't be like that.

Flashback: (5 years ago):

"Jane, please eat this atleast." I said. She just looked at me. I'm trying to convince her to eat. I'm in her room right now. Her room looked so gloomy. Her mom calls me everyday, because she won't listen to them, nor KC, Pat, Dahyun and the rest of Geranium.

It's been a month since Brian left. Where could he be?

"Just leave it there. I'm not hungry." She finally spoke. She's still lying down on her bed. Covering her whole self with a blanket.

"Jane I said eat this. C'mon. You're losing weight." I said. I pulled her blanket causing her to sat up.

"Hey give it back!!!" She said.

"Not until you eat." I said.

"I said, I'M NOT HUNGRY!" Jane went to my direction and grabbed the blanket. I cannot control myself anymore. She's testing my temper.

"HOW CAN YOU NOT BE HUNGRY?  WHEN YOU'RE NOT EATING FOR DAYS ALREADY?" It's obvious that she was surprised by the tone of my voice. I was too. It's my 1st time to shout and to be angry with her. 

I saw tears falling down her face. I felt a sudden pain inside me. I never liked to see her like this.

"Am I pretty? Or do I look ugly?" She asked me.

"Jane, you are beautiful. Just the way you are." I calmed myself before answering her.

"Then why did he left?" Tears continue falling down from her eyes.

"I know he has a reason for this Jane." That's the only thing I can say, because even I, don't know the answer why.

"I thought he loves me. I thought he would never leave me. Jae, I love him so much. Jae wae? Eottoke?" She's really crying right now. I don't know what to say. I just hugged her.

"Jane, gwaenchana. I'm here. I will never leave you." I just let her cry. I don't care if my shirt will be wet because of her tears.


Time flies so fast, we graduated from the university. I didn't know we're popular even outside the university. Maybe, because we go on busking and some restobars hire us for gigs. Jane is still in the stage of moving on. But she's better now compared before. We just refrain from bringing that stupid jerk as our topic. Like Jane, I am hurt too. Because among the other members of Day6 I'm the clostest member with him. Jaehyunparkian duh?

We were having our band practice at my house, since I'm the only one who's living here in Seoul, because my fam is in Busan. So as I have said, we were having our  band practice, Geranium are also here visiting us and always on their full support.

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