Charpter 6: Seoul Music and Arts University

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It's the girls 1st day in college. They can't believe that they are really separated. The girls will rarely see each other, because they will be living in the dorm of their respective Universities.

"Omooo! I'll miss you all! Yaaaaah." Pat cried while hugging Jane and KC.

"Shh don't cry. Let's try our best to keep in touch!" KC said while comforting Pat.

Ohhh aigooo I'll miss this two too.... Jane thought.

"Yah! Let's promise each other that it's okay to have new friends, BUT BUT BUTTTTTT NO NEW BESTFRIENDS OKAY????" Pat said.

Jane and KC chuckled.

"Arasso, arasso. Promise! Right KC?" Jane said.

"Yaaaaz!" KC replied.

Pat went out from the car. KC dropped her off to her school.

"ANNYEOOONG!" Pat waved at the car where KC and Jane were.

*beep.beep* KC beeped the car.


They're infront of the Seoul Music and Arts University. KC also dropped Jane to her school.

"So this is it?" Jane said.

*siiigh* KC gave a deep sigh.

The girls hugged each other. There were tears falling down their faces.

"Haha you and I hate these kind of dramas! Haha" KC said.

"Haha yeah. Goodluck Jane!" KC said.

"You too. Take care. Let's keep in touch."

KC nodded. They hugged each other for the last time and Jane finally went out.

She waved at the car and KC beeped.

So this is it! Aja! Fighting!... Jane thought.

She took a deep breath and started entering the university.



Huh? Why do this unknown number keeps on bothering me?... KC thought.

KC answered the call.

"Yeobosseo?" KC said.

"Yo... yeobosseo?" Said the unknown caller.

Huh? A man?... KC thought. Wondering who he is.

"Why do you keep on texting and calling me? Who are you?" KC said. Annoyed.

"Mianhe. This is Dowoon." He explained.

"Dowoon-sshi? Haha mianhe I raised my voice." Kc apologized.

"I should be the one who should say sorry. Haha. Sorry for bothering you these past few weeks." Dowoon said.

"Gwaenchana. By the way why didn't you tell me in the 1st place that this number is yours? Haha" KC asked.

"Because, I'm shy. Shy boy." Dowoon explained.

"You have no reason to be shy. It's just me haha." KC said.

"Yeah right haha why should I? By the way, are you free this weekend?" Dowoon asked.

"Hmm maybe? Why?" KC said.

"I would like to invite you to watch my performance." Dowoon said

"Oh! Ofcourse, performing with day6 right?" KC asked.

"Ah no. Just me haha" Dowoon said.

"Eh? Well okay i'll drop a message when I'm free!" KC said.

"Okay!" They ended the call.

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