Chapter 12: Brotherly Tension

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I like you Park Kae Cee.... KC thought.

"Ahhhhh I CAN'T CONCENTRATE!!!!" KC sid jumping on her bed.


"I like you Park Kae Cee." Dowoon said.

KC's jaw dropped with disbelief.

"H-huh?" Kc said with confusion.

"I said I like you. I like you from the very 1st day we met at the resort. I like you, just the way you are." Dowoon said, seriously.

KC can't still believe it. It was the 1st time that someone confessed to her.

"Uh maybe I should go. I'm sorry." KC stood up and hurriedly walk towards the exit door. Dowoon chased her and grabbed her arm.

"KC-yah." Dowoon said.

"Dowoon please. I need to study." KC said calmly.

Dowoon released her and released a deep sigh.

"Okay. Take care." He said.

End of flashback...

"YAAAAH YAAAH YAAAAH!!!!" KC, still jumping continuosly on her bed.

"This will not work. Your brain can't study. Maybe you need to sleep. KC you need to sleep ok? Goodnight! Jalja!" KC talking to herself in the mirror. And then she goes to her bed and wears her eyepatch and tries to sleep.

I like you Park Kae Cee... KC thought.

"LET ME SLEEEEEEP FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! ARGHHHH!" KC shouted placing her face on the pillow.


Monday came and the boys are practicing the songs Brian made when he was still in Canada. They noticed Dowoon made many mistakes which is unusual of him.

"Dowoon-ah what's the matter?" Sungjin asked.

"Are you sick?" Jae then asked.

"Ah no. Let's continue." Dowoon said and then he started to play a beat, but it failed.

"Hey don't push yourself. You need rest." Brian said.

"Yes. He's right. Come on." Jae said. The boys went on their way on the couch except for Wonpil who gets some snacks from the fridge.

"Oh by the way. Dowoon-ssi, how was your confession to KC? Did it went well?" Wonpil asked as he was on his way to the couch bringing the snacks.

Jae, Brian and Sungjin's eyes widened. Wonpil triggered Dowoon's emotion.

"WHAAAAT?!" The 3 boys said together.

"Oh. Mian! Dowoon mianhe! I thought the hyungs knew about it!" Wonpil approached Dowoon and gave him a back hug.

Dowoon told Wonpil about his plan, but as what he had said to KC none of the members knew that he owned a restaurant.

Dowoon freed himself from Wonpil's hug and ran towards Brian.

"Hyuuuuuuuuung! Is this how it feels?" Dowoon kneeled down to Brian and hugged his legs "Hyuuuung!" He continued.

"Hey shhh you're creeping me out. Sit here, not there." Brian said helping Dowoon to stand up.

"Aweeee. Our maknae is inlove!" Jae teased Dowoon. Dowoon did not mind Jae.

"Brian hyung! What did you do to move on? What do I have to do?!" Dowoon asked.

"Go to Canada." Brian said coldly as he was reading his other compositions.

"Tsk you're not helping." Dowoon said. Pissed off.

Brian chuckled.

"Sungjin hyung! Eottoke?" Dowoon turned his head to Sungjin.

"Come on! I'll treat you ice cream." Sungjin said as he held Dowoon's hand and they walked towards the door.

"Hyung! Dowoon! Wait! I'll go with you!!!" Wonpil follwed them leaving Brian and Jae alone.


JYP let his students pass their compositions. He sat on the center table as he read their compositions one-by-one.

"Good! All the compositions are good. I'm impressed. I will give this back to you and next week, you should have a tune of your compositions okay?" He said. And he gave them back their works.

"Class dismissed." he said after.

Ayeon Baek rolled her eyes and gave Jane and Dahyun a smirk.

"Tsk! That bitch!"Dahyun said annoyed.

"Calm down. Just don't mind her. Let's go and have some lunch. My treat." Jane said to Dahyun.

"Yaz! Haha kamsahamnida! Kaja!" Dahyun said happily.


Brian and Jae jammed together. It's been a while since they had their time alone together.

They met each other way back in their 1st yr college in this institution, they started as a duo that lasted for a month until they became friends with Sungjin, Dowoon and Wonpil.

"It's been a while Bri." Jae said as soon as they finished the song.

"Yeah." Brian said smiling. "By the way Jane came here last weekend."

Jae's expression changed.

"Jane? Waeyo?" Jae asked.

"She's looking for you and it turns out that you're on your way to Busan. She's asking for help on how to compose a song." Brian explained while playing the strings with his guitar.

"Then? What did you do?" Jae asked.

"Since you were not around, I offered her my help since I compose songs too." Brian said.

"Just you two? Here inside the practice room?" Jae asked.

"Yes." Brian answered.

"And how did it go?" Jae asked again.

"It went hmm well. She had her 1st composition." Brian said smiling.

"You haven't called me? And told me Jane came here?" Jae said.

"You were out of reach." Brian said

Can't imagine Brian and Jane alone. I am. I am jealous.... Jae thought.

Jae stood up.

"I'm just going to have lunch." Jae said putting his guitar on its case.

"Okay have a nice meal" Brian said as he continued to play with his guitar strings.

Jae left without a word.

Jae don't. He's just helping Jane because you're not around. That's it okay?... Jae thought.

Author's note: Hi! Can you feel a little tension? Lol. Sorry for the typos on this chapter and on the others too. I'll find time editing them but for now, I'm trying to update as many as I can before I will get busy again because of school stuffs. Hope you like this. Please vooote :))) Thank you!!! Saranghaeeee 😍
-YoungK's ❤❤❤❤❤

P.S: Are you also a fan of BTS? I recommend you to read XOXO (BTS fanfic) by @krugyyxxi the story is very nice.

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