Chapter 44: Hate me and I'll Love You

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The next morning they've decided to go back to Dowoon's vacation house. They have to go back to Seoul earlier than what they have planned, because Day6 got a call from their university that they were invited to perform in a certain university in Daegu called BigHit University and it's urgent.

"Mianhe girls. We can't say no to this. We'll make it up to you next time. Jinjja mianhe." Dowoon said.

"It's okay hahaha. Atleast we had fun. Thank you Dowoon." Jane said.

"Yeah and in just a few days we had 2 couples already hahahahah" Dahyun said pertaining to Brian&Jane and Dowoon&KC. Earlier this morning, the boys told the group that Dowoon and KC are dating already. Dowoon was annoyed, because his hyungs were the ones who told the girls. But he has nothing to do with it. He's the maknae and usually the hyungs bully him. And the group started to tease them.

They are in the plane right now. They are seated according to the same seating arrangement they had when they were on their way to Jeju.

Brian and Jane are still awkward with each other. But they're trying their best to ease away the awkwardness between them. They held each others hand while seating quietly on the plane seat. Jane closed her eyes, but she was surprised when Brian laid his head on her shoulders.

"Yah. W-what are you doing?" Jane said.

"Shh. I'm trying to sleep. Be quiet." Brian said as he closed his eyes. Jane can't help, but to smile.

If this is a dream, please don't wake me up.... Jane thought.


They arrived in Seoul, the boys need to travel immediately to Daegu for the said invitation of BigHit University. The boys will be staying at Daegu for a week. They bid their goodbyes with each other.

"Wait for me until I come back." Brian said and patted Jane's head. Jane nodded. And the boys already left.

The girls went to a coffee shop and chatted for a while. They talked about what happened in Jeju. They put KC and Jane in the hot seat. The girls threw tons of questions to them. They even video called Lisa to tell her the news about them. Lisa was surprised about Jane and Brian. Lisa said that she'll be back in 2 days, so that they could practice for their upcoming performance when the class starts again. After the girls chatted, they decided to go back home and rest.


Lisa came back from Thailand. She bought souvenirs for the girls as her gifts. The girls liked it. Dahyun told the girls that they could practice at her house. The song that they will practice is none other than Jane's song, because it's her song that hasn't been picked yet. They read the lyrics of the song. The girls bursts into laughter, because of the lyrics it's not because it's funny, but because it's obvious that it's for Brian.

"Yah! Stop laughing! It's the least I can make." Jane said

"Hahahah! It's beautiful Jane, it's just that... hahaha you know." Dahyun said. Jane rolled her eyes and then she laughed together with them.

So everyday they practice the song. KC and Pat even come to their practices and brings some food for them. For a week, it became their everyday routine.


Jane's POV

It's been a week. No calls, no messages from him. I... I... I miss him. Maybe they are really busy in Daegu. But why can Dowoon still manage to call KC ? Meanwhile Brian can't even leave a simple message to me? Maybe I'm not that important to him. He told me he loves me and then this? Ah molla. I felt a little bit annoyed with that fact.

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