CHAPTER 40: Truth or Drink

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The boys prepared for the food, while the girls are setting up their dinner table. They decided to have their dinner at the pool side so that they will have some fresh air.

"Tada! The dinner is ready!" Jae said.

"Yaaaaay! Barbequeeeee!" Pat said.

They started to eat. All of them enjoyed the food.

"Who marinated the Barbeque?" Dahyun asked.

"Brian hyung!" Wonpil said.

"It's delicious Bri! You have a future in cooking haha!" Dahyun said.

"Thanks. I got it from Jaebum hyung." Brian said.

"Omo. Please introduce him to me Brian. Jebal jebal!!" Pat said.

"Yah! What are you saying!" KC said. Pat rolled her eyes at KC and winked at Brian. They all laughed.

After they finished the food, Jae and Sungjin went inside the house and when they got back, they brought alot of sojus.

"Lol. It's been a while since I last taste alcohol! Hahah" Wonpil said.

"Let's play TRUTH or DRINK!" Jae said.

"Oh? Hahahahaha!!! It sounds fun!" Pat said while clapping her hands.

She really is so loud! Aish jinja!.... Ayeon thought.

"I think you know this game. On whoever this bottle will stop we will ask you a question and if you don't want to answer it, just drink 2 shots of soju and you will be saved from that question. Okay?" Sungjin explained. All of them nodded.

Sungjin spins the bottle it stopped to Chae.

"Woah Chae-sshi!" Sungjin said. "I will be the one who'll ask a question."

I really wanted to ask this to her. I think i got the perfect timing.... Sungjin thought.

"H-have we met before?? Because it seems like you're so familiar." Sungjin said asked.

I knew he would ask this. Yes we have met, but I don't want you to know  who really am.... Chae thought.

"Ah haha NO. We just met this present school year haha." Chae said.

I guess I was wrong. But it's weird. Nevermind.... Sungjin thought.

So Chae spins the bottle it stopped at Jae.

"Woah. It's me hahaha!" Jae said.

"Uhm Jae oppa. D-do you still love Jane?" Chae said. She noticed Jane looked down. "Ah mianhe I-I don't have anything to ask in-----" Jae cut her.

"Gwaenchanayo! Hahaha of course I love her." Jae said. All looked at him. "As a friend. She's my bestfriend. I love my friends. I also love you guys." Jae added.

I lied. I still love Jane as my first love not as a friend. But I have nothing to do with it. Besides I'm in the process of moving on. I don't knkw when will I finally move on, but I know I will..... Jae thought.

Jane smiled at Jae. Jae smiled back. Jae looked at Brian. Brian looked away.

It's Jae's turn to spin the bottle. It stopped at Dowoon.

"Yow! Maknae. You ready for my question?" Jae smiled teasingly at Dowoon. Dowoon rolled his eyes.

"Which girls here do you like the most??" Jae asked and winked at Dowoon.

"Ahhh Jinja hyung! It's not fair!" Dowoon complained.

"What? What's wrong with my question?" Jae said.

"You can drink if you don't wanna answer." Brian said.

"Aish jinja!" Dowoon drank 2 shots of Soju.

"HAHHAHA and that's how we play this!" Sungjin said. They all laugh and KC felt her face warmed.

Dowoon spins the bottle. It stopped at KC.

Omo?..... KC thought.

The boys looked at Dowoon and Pat and Jane looked at KC they hold their breaths.

"D-do you like me?" Dowoon said. KC's eyes widened and so us the group. And even Dowoon's eyes too. He was shocked of what he said.

KC is panicking, she did not think twice and gets the 1st shot but Dowoon grabbed the shot away and instead he drank it and the 2nd shot also.

"Mianhe. Nevermind. Don't answer the question" Dowoon said.

"Hahaha our maknae is such a hard drinker." Jae said.

The game continues. Everyone is a bit drunk now. Dahyun spinned the bottle and it stopped at Brian

"Yah! Young...." Dahyun said.

Sh*t! She's drunk. She's gonna spit out that I'm youngk!.... Brian thought and glared at Dahyun

"Oh. Young! You Young man hahaha, who is that girl you liked?" Dahyun asked.

"You don't know her." Brian said.

"Liar. I do know her. She's..." Brian drank the 2 shots of sojus.

"Oh okay. You don't want them to know that's why you drank the shots ha ha ha..." Dahyun said. She's drunk.

After a while, some went to their rooms already because they drank too much of the Soju. Only Dahyun, Jae, Brian and Jane were left. Dahyun was drunk dead. She drank too much alcohol. Jae decided to carry Dahyun to her room.

"Yah you two. You should go inside too. It's getting late. I'll just bring Dahyun inside. And I'll go to sleep." Jae said. Among all of them, Jae is the less drunk.

Both Jane and Brian nodded. Both are drunk too.

They are sitting on the floor. And faced each other. Each are holding a bottle of Soju.

"Yah. You handsome creature. Why are you always grumpy?" Jane asked after she drank the bottle of soju fully.

"Yah beautiful creature. I'm not. Hahaha" Brian answered and also drank the whole bottle of Soju staraight.

"Yes you are." Jane said.

"No" -Brian

"Yes." -Jane

"No." -Brian

"Yes." -Jane

"No." -Brian

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes." Brian cut her of with a


"Saranghae." Brian said while smiling. Jane paused. And still shocked.

"I said SARANGHAE. SARANGHAE JANE KIM." Brian is like having a tantrums.

"Really?" Jane asked. Brian nodded while pouting his lips.

"Kiss me again if really you love me." Brian immediately kissed Jane again. Jane kissed back. Jane stopped and said...

"Brian Kang, Nado SARANGH------" Jane vomitted infront of Brian and Jane passed out.


-YoungK's 💜💜💜💜💜

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