Chapter 57: Arcade

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The next morning, Jane woke up with a severe headache. It's because last night they drank too much.

"Aiiish chincha! My head feels like it's gonna crack any minute from now. Urgh!" Jane said.

I drank too much last night. Atleast it's my day off today..... Jane thought.

But how? How did I got home? Oh maybe Jae got me here. It doesn't matter I'll just ask omma.... Jane thought again.

Jane went down and went straight to the kitchen as she smelled the food that her mother is cooking.

"Good morning omma!" Jane greeted her mother and gave her a backhug.

"Good morning too Jane. I made you a soup, because I know you got a hangover. Now go sit there and I'll give you some" Jane's mom said and prepared the soup. "I didn't know that Younghyun and you are friends again. And that's good." Jane's mom continued.

Younghyun? Young. What the freakingly freakinish freeeeeakening ahhhhhhhh.... Jane thought

*cough.cough* Jane slightly chocked with the water she was drinking.

"Oh. Becareful Jane!" Jane's mom said.

"Younghyun?! Younghyun as in BRIAN?" Jane said surprisingly.

"Yes dear. Younghyun made his way to drop you home. Because Jae was way too drunk last night to accompany you here. That's why Younghyun volunteered himself." Jane's mom explained.

"Omma! 1st of all, we are NOT friends. 2nd of all why why why.... why uhm....." Jane is having a mental block. She sighed and sat on the chair. "My head hurts."

"Haha just calm down and have this soup. You know what, atleast just thank him, because you got home safe." Jane's mom said. "I'll just go to the market okay?" She continued and left.

What if there were things I told him last night? Omo! This can't be. What if what if waaaah Jane please remember a thing..... Jane thought as she is trying to remember about the happenings last night.

"Arghhhh! I can't remember a single thing!


Jane decided to go to the Arcade at 7pm, because she wanted to be free from thoughts and just to relieve from stress. Plus she wanted to be alone tonight.

Jane felt like she went back as a kid everytime she plays any game in the arcade. I felt so great.

She went to play Tekken, basketball and the likes. She also wanted to have a new stuffed toy, so she went to play the stuffed toy machine, but she couldn't get one.

"Curse this machine! Argh!" Jane kicked the machine.

"Excuse me miss! What are you doing ??" Someone approached her. It seemed like it's the manager of the arcade.

"Oh. I'm sorry sir." Jane bowed at him and walked away.

Tsk! Their machine is biased tsk tsk! I'll just buy myself a new one because I can afford it hahahahaa..... Jane thought.

Jane decided to go home after an hour and a half passed. She was walking down the street. Until she felt someone was following her. She doesn't mind it. She's just walking continuosly. The footsteps were getting nearer, Jane couldn't help it. She turned around and saw a man, grinning hugely to her. Jane got afraid, but she did not show it to te man.

"Excuse me? Are you following me?" Jane said.

"Isn't it obvious miss?" The man said. Getting nearer to Jane.

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