Chapter 16: Like Oh Ah

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The day of the program came. Geranium kept on practicing until to the last minute before their performance will start.

"Omo omo omo" Lisa murmured. Lisa is walking back and forth. They're on their practice room.

"Stop it Lisa. I'm getting dizzy because of you!." Ayeon said disgusted.

"I'm nervous. What if, I lost the beat. What if the drumsticks will slip away from my hands. What if I will make mistakes!!!" Lisa is panicking.

"Shhh." Jane went to Lisa "I understand that you're nervous. All of us are." Jane continued and patted Lisa's back.

"Yeah. Jane's right. Calm down." Chae added.

"And just think about positive stuffs you know!" Dahyun said.

"Hm okaaaaay." Lisa took a deep breath and smiled at them. "Kamawo. We can do this." She added.

"Let's get back to work." Ayeon said.

Then the girls practiced again. Jyp informed them yesterday that the program will start at exactly 6pm. There are 4 groups to perform. Geranium will be the last one, because they did the drawlots and they got #4. Jyp also announced that last year's rookie of the year will perform as the opening performance.

Day6 haha... Jane thought.

KC and Pat met at a mall to buy a congratulatory gift for Jane.

"Omo! I'm so excited to watch Jane perform with her band!!" Pat, full of excitement said.

"Nado. I'm happy for her!!!" KC said smiling.

"And oh! Omo. Jane called me last night and told me that DAY6 WILL ALSO PERFORM! OMOOOOOO!" Pat said.

Day6?!..... KC thought

"Their mentor told them that the opening performance will be perfrmed by Day6, Jane told me that they're lasts year's best rookie band." Pat said.

Omo, so if Day6 will perform.... OMO.... KC thought.

"And omo! It's been awhile since the last time I saw Day6!" Pat said. "AND IT MEANS I WILL SEE WONPIL OPPA AGAAAAAAAAIN! OMOOO" Pat continued.

And it also means I will see Dowoon!... KC thought.

"Hey! Aren't you happy? Aren't you excited?" Pat said.

"Oh. I am." KC gave Pat a weak smile.

I am not.... KC thought.

They are on their way to Jane's college.

Day6 had finished their rehearsals. They did not practice that much, because they were used to perform onstage.

"Hey bros. I'll be right back." Jae said.

"Odiga hyung?" Dowoon asked.

"I'll just buy flowers for Jane, you know. To congratulate her. Hahaha" Jae said excitedly.

"Oh. Well ok take care." Dowoon said.

Jae left them. After a while Jane arrived at their practice room.

"Jane-ssi! What brings you here?" Sungjin said.

"Ah nothing! Haha I just wanted to tell you that I invited Pat and KC to watch my performance." Jane said happily.

The boy's heads turned to Dowoon's Direction and gave him a smile. A smile like teasing him.

"K-K-KC?" Dowoon said with eyes wide open.

"De! Why are you so shocked Dowoon-ssi?" Jane said.

"I'm not. It's just that..." Dowoon lost words.

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