Chapter 50: Park Chaeyoung

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(A/N: If you're wondering what is really the thing between Chae and Sungjin, here's their story. This chapter will be short.)

Sungjin kept on starring at the picture that Chae dropped from her wallet last night. It was a picture of a boy and a chubby girl happy together.

I'm this boy. So meaning Chae is this girl?.... Sungjin thought.

"Oh you're still awake?" Brian said.

"Ah yeah. Where have you been?" Sungjin asked.

"Just walking around. Jaljja." Brian said and went to his room.

That's why she looked so familiar to me.... Sungjin went back to his thoughts.


The next morning, Sungjin went straight to Chae's dorm. He knocked on the door. Chae opened it. She was surprised to see Sungjin.

"Oppa, what are you doing here?" Chae said. Sungjin grabbed Chae's arms. "YAH! Let go of me." Sungjin released Chae.

"Explain this." Sungjin showed Chae the picture.

"Yah where did you get this?" Chae immediately took the picture from Sungjin.

"You're that girl right?" Sungjin said.

"No. I am not." Chae lied.

**Flashback (Sungjin and Chae's Highschool Days)

"Yah. Why are you and Sungjin oppa are close?" A group of girls blocked Chae's way.

"Who cares if we are close huh?" Chae said.

"Do you like him do you?" One of the girls said. Chae became silent and lowered her head.

"So we will take that as a yes." Another girl said.

"Keep on dreaming girl. Do you think he will like you back? You're just an ugly, fat girl who Sungjin will never like back." The girls' so called "LEADER" said.

"HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA" Bullied Chae. She ran ran and ran.

Chae told her parents that they should go back to Australia and continue her studies there. And just in two days they flew back to Australia.

Sungjin on the other note had no idea where Chae went. There's only one thing he knew, he misses Chae.


"Don't deny it. You're Chae. You're Park Chaeyoung! Remember me? I'm Park Sungjin. You're my chubby bestfriend during highschool." Sungjin said.

"Go away!" Chae said. But Sungjin doesn't want to let go of her hand.

"Tell me you're her." Sungjin keeps on insisting Chae to admit it.

"YES! Happy now huh? I'm that ugly, fat bestfriend of yours, who liked you alot eversince the day we met!" Chae was surprised with what she said. She turned her back from Sungjin.

"I missed you." Sungjin stopped Chae by hugging her from behind. Chae released from the hug and faced him. "I like you too Chae." Sungjin said.

"No. Don't. I know you like me, because I'm slimmer now. To be honest, I went back to Australia to change the old me. I went to the gym and even asked my dad to hire a personal nutritionist to monitor my diet. I wanted to prove to all the girls who bullied me that I can be pretty like them. And for you to like me back. But then I realized, why should I do these things for other people when I can do this for myself. For my health." Chae said. She did not know she's crying. There was a moment of silence. Sungjin just let Chae cry out a river.

"You know what," Sungjin finally said. "You don't have to change for other people just to please them. What matters the most is the personality. In fact," Sungjin paused and held Chae's hand. "I liked you even you were fat. I just have no gutts so tell you. To be honest, on the day that you went back to Australia, it was supposed to be the day I'll confess to you. It tore me apart Chae knowing that you're gone and leaving me behind, clueless. You don't have to change yourself for me to like you because I liked you from the very start." Sungjin said and Chae can see the sincerity on Sungjin's eyes.

"Jinjja?" That's all Chae can say. She can't believe that Sungjin liked her too. Sungjin kissed Chae, he teared, because he finally see Chae after a very long time. And the answers to his questions on who really Chae was, is answered.

"I missed you. I missed the fat Chae!" Sungjin smiled. "And that's why I'm going to treat you today. We are gonna eat many today until you will become the FAT CHAE AGAIN! Let's go!" Sungjin said.

"So, can I consider this as our 1st date?" Chae said.

"Hmm if that's what you want. Hahahahaha" Sungjin said.
(A/N: So here it is. That's the answer why Sungjin is familiar about Chae. I hope you liked it. Eventhough I find it boring.

I'm still making the next chapter, so wait for the update!!!!! I'll be updating as many as I could if not today today then tomorrow hehe 😊😊

-YOUNGK'S 💜💜💜💜

If yourl're an iKON fan please read my other fanfic about them Just Go and He's Inlove with a Ghost. And also read my friend's fanfic about them entitled Trouble by park-sandara thank youuu

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