Sorcerer's Stone

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            "Not much, I mean-" He stopped himself short and stared at Harry wide eyed. "No way." He whispered inelegantly. Severus snorted which Remus ignored. It would explain so much. Why they smelt the same. Why they seemed to be having silent conversations. They were reading each other's emotions. Wicked.

            "We are soulmates." Harry told Remus simply. Remus felt as if his mind blanked. Soulmates. His heart clenched in sorrow at never finding his own mate. The longing had dimmed with Tonks in his life. But with her gone the longing came back full force along with the grief of her absence. But to know that Harry had found his own mate, that was something else. Wild even.

            Lily hadn't given much thought into soulmates existing. James had only talked to her about it in regards to when they would tell Harry about it. She had scoffed at the idea. She didn't believe in it. James, Sirius and Remus had tried telling her that it was indeed a real thing in the magical community. Lily was weary and didn't want to tell Harry about it. She said that she managed to find happiness and love without ever finding her other half. She didn't want Harry longing for something that he would never have. She didn't understand that the longing would be there whether Harry knew about it or not. The longing doesn't go away till you find your other half.

            James had disagreed. It led to one of their more spectacular rows. Lily said that James would be condemning Harry to a lifetime of sadness if they told him. Sirius suggested that it was because she was a muggleborn that she just didn't understand. That had led to him being kicked out by a furious Lily. Neither James nor Lily would concede in the argument. They agreed to talk about it when Harry got older. Remus had actually forgot that Harry wouldn't know. Soulmates aren't something that come up in polite conversations. Due to the sad nature of never finding your mate, it is a rather taboo subject. Not to mention most people just don't know of its existence anymore. Remus being a half blood with a pureblood mother, she made sure that Remus knew about Soulmates. Especially since he was a werewolf. Magical creatures aren't meant to be without their mate. The longing intensifies in any magical creature. Part of the reason werewolves even howl at the moon is because they are crying out their loneliness They are screaming for their other half hoping that they will hear the cry and come. Remus could feel his own longing for his soulmate and Moonys desperate primal need to be complete. It was like two doses of longing that sometimes became crippling.  

            But to see that Harry found his soulmate was something else. He envied Harry so much. Part of him wished that he had been the one to find his mate but the rest of him was so ecstatic for Harry and Draco. He could call him that now. Anyone Harry was with deserved his approval. Harry deserved all the happiness and love that he can get. If anyone deserved to find their soulmate it would be Harry. Remus wasn't sure how long he stared at Harry lost in thought.

            "I am happy for you cub." Harry sighed in relief. That had been something he was worried about. He knew that Remus cared for him but to accept Draco was asking a lot.

            "You mean it?" Remus tilted his head in confusion. Why wouldn't he be happy for Harry? Finding something so beautiful and miraculous as a soulmate was so revered to those who knew. There was no way he could ever not be happy for Harry. Even if you stripped away them being soulmates, Remus had never seen Harry so happy and comfortable.

            "It's because of me. He wants to know if you can really accept me." Draco explained. Harry bit his lip. That didn't come out right.

            "Harry I wouldn't care who you end up with as long as you are happy." Remus told him. And he meant it to, Harry could tell.

            "Thank you." Draco said quietly. He breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that even if Lupin had disagreed with their relationship that it wouldn't have mattered. Harry would always be with him. But after the Weasleys being so difficult, he hated the idea of Harry losing more people. Draco knew how important Lupin was for Harry. He was the only parental figure he had left. Lupin being okay with their relationship was the best news he had heard all day.

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