Near Death Experiences and Conspiracy Theories

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              As soon as everyone made it out of the hub with new clothes, they began looking for a boat rental. Everyone ignored Lucius who was complaining about the muggle clothing. 'It's too open. I feel a breeze where there shouldn't be one.' Yeah, no one was touching that with a ten-foot pole.

            "Ever get the feeling that we are more mature than Lucius sometimes?" George whispered quietly to the quartet. Remus had to hold back a snort. He would tell them that whispering doesn't help them when it comes to his ears but it was honestly too much fun listening in. 

            "Us mature?" Pansy asked clearly offended. "The day we become mature better be on our death beds."

            Fred shook his head. "Not even then. If the last words out of your mouth aren't some type of joke, then clearly you are doing something wrong."

            Blaise liked to pride himself on being the most mature out the four of them. Not that he would own up to it, considering their feelings on maturity. "It is a scary thought though." He mused. The three turned to him with arched brows.

            "What is? Us being mature?" George asked shuddering slightly. Blaise snorted. "Sort of. Us being more mature than Lucius."

            "Can we talk about something else?" Fred rushed in a hurried tone.

            Remus snickered as he rolled his eyes. They acted like being mature was the worst possible thing in the world. Heaven forbid what kind of parents they will be. The children will probably be more mature than them.

            "What's funny?" Severus asked as he wrapped an arm around Remus's waist. Remus smiled at him softly before he looked back at the quartet to make sure they weren't listening. He snorted again at the look of wonder on their faces as a muggle walked by on a cell phone.

            "The quartet thinks they might be more mature than Lucius and they are horrified at the idea." Severus let out a surprised laugh.

            "Right." He drew out the word sarcastically. "If they are mature then I am next in line to take over for the queen."

            Remus laughed. "Ooo. I like the idea of that. You could sit at a throne and I would be your right hand. Like a consort or something." Severus smiled softly.

            "Consort?" Pansy interrupted. "Have you guys decided to take over the weird kink of Harry and Draco's now?"

            Severus looked over and was disturbed at the lack of personal space the quartet seemed to have. They were practically crowding him. "One, that conversation did not include you." He felt a small elbow hit his side from Remus. "And two, I don't want to think about any kinks that those two might have." He shuddered at the thought.

            "Pity for you then." Fred piped up while Pansy nodded along. "I think they are quite kinky. Makes me curious."

            "Can we cease this disturbing conversation?" Lucius demanded. "It is not the proper place for a discussion like that. Actually, there will never be a proper place for that."

            Luckily Fred and Pansy dropped the conversation as Severus led them over to the nearest rental agency.

            Lucius blinked rapidly at the place and sneered openly. The place was in a desperate need of a paint job. It was so washed out that he couldn't even tell what color it had originally started with. He was itching to set fire to the place. It looked like a shack more than anything. If this is what the place looked like, then he was afraid of what the boats would resemble. He was incredibly pleased that he would be in the air. He feared for the ones that would be in the boat though.

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