Another Life

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            Harry was thankful that he was laying down or the sheer force of the memories would have sent him reeling. As it was he was glad that Draco's arms were around him. He felt anchored.

            "My Lord I insist that we talk about this." Came the pleading of Dracott's advisor. Dracott sneered at the old man. "Nay William. I have told you thrice already that there will be no marriage as of yet." Dracott told him firmly.

            William sighed heavily. "Since the unfortunate deaths of your parents, may their souls rest in peace, you have stopped looking for a companion." Dracott narrowed his eyes at his advisor. You would think the man had any wits about him but alas that was not the case.

            "My father, may he rest in peace, may have decided that it was time for me to find a wife but since he is dead, I do not care. I am the king now. It will be up to me to decide when or if I wed. Certainly not you, do we understand each other?" The threatening tone of his voice should have alerted the man to know when to give it up.

            "My liege I must insist-" William was cut off by Dracott's hand. "Guards! Take him away." Dracott demanded. He tuned out the spluttering of the pathetic man. Why must advisors be so daft?

            "What has he done? If I may be so bold sire." Dracott looked up into the face of his longtime friend. "He was questioning when I am to wed."

            "Is that not his job? He makes the third advisor you have gone through since you have taken over." Panslette pointed out with a smile.

            Dracott huffed but did not refute her statement. He knew he was being stubborn but his father, may he not rest in peace, had controlled every aspect of his life. Who he could or could not speak to. What he could or could not do. Who he was or was not going to wed. Well Dracott was tired of it. Now that his father was gone there was no one to tell him what to do. He made the laws now. He governed the kingdom now.

           Dracott smirked to himself. If only his father could see the way he handled the castle. Lucian had been an unkind leader. Dracott could remember being a wee child and wondering why his father governed the way he did. Should not a king like his people? Should not a king want his kingdom to thrive? His father had been cruel to his subjects. Dracott feared that there would be revolt and there nearly was. But now that he was king, he did away with every single horrid law that his father passed that Dracott disagreed with. He opened up places for the poorer residents of his kingdom to go to if they needed help. Dracott stopped trade with the greedy neighboring countries, preferring to trade with the more deserving. He made sure to be a kind but justified ruler. One who listened to the people and took advice when it was warranted. In hindsight, he was doing the complete opposite of his father's teachings and loving every bit of it.

            "As lovely as it is talking to you Pans I must be going. My time will be best spent elsewhere." Panslette raised a disbelieving brow but stepped away regardless.

            Dracott strolled out of the throne room and bid his way to his bedroom. He rolled his eyes when he heard the sounds of his guards following him. Once he reached the door he turned to his bulky yet dimwitted guards. "Stay here. Do not disturb me under any circumstances. I do not care if someone wishes to speak to me, they will have to come back another time." He ordered. They both grunted their agreement. Dracott sneered. So articulate.  

            Dracott slammed the door shut and threw off the horrid clothes he was forced to wear. It was too confining. He made his way to his wardrobe and pushed aside all of the clothes until he came to a locked box. He quickly grabbed the key around his neck and bent down to unlock the box. Upon opening it, he rustled through the clothes inside the box before picking the outfit that he wanted to wear. Once the box was locked and stowed away did he change.

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