Chapt. 11: The Tearful Decision, The Fight, and The Heartbreaking News

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**Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made-up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own. I'm editing the chapters. Here is the edited version of chapter 11. I feel like it's better than the original. Let me know what you think.**

Chapter 11:

"BYE NAGURI!!" Sabo, Luffy, Ace, and I called, waving as Naguri sailed, standing at the beach, and smiling.

The wind... I thought, the wind began to pick-up, brushing stray-strands of hair behind my ear, gazing up at the sky, furrowing my eyebrows together, Shadow resting on my shoulder, shuffling back towards our treehouse, and calling to the boys, "We need to get back to our treehouse. A massive storm is coming."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ace denied, raising an eyebrow up at me, and pointing a finger at the sky, "The sky is clear. There's not a single storm cloud in sight."

"Then what's that?" I countered, spotting a patch of dark clouds in the distance, pointing a finger towards the clouds, raising my eyebrows, and rushing towards the treehouse, "HURRY! BEFORE THE STORM COMES!"

"COMING!" Ace, Sabo, and Luffy chirped, rushing after me, and throwing up their arms as rain began pelting downwards.

How did she know? Sabo wondered, barging into the treehouse with Ace and Luffy right behind him, staring at me in puzzlement, taking-off his hat, shaking off the water, taking off his tailcoat, and hanging it up on a peg on the wall, "You weren't joking about the storm."

"It's gonna get worse." I theorized, rushing towards a window, yanking the cord, slamming the board down, latching the window, and calling over my shoulder towards Ace, Sabo, and Luffy, "Shut all the windows. Shadow grab those candles and matches from the wooden-chest."

"On it." Ace, Shadow, Sabo, and Luffy synchronized, rushing to their positions, and following my directions.

"GAAA!!" Luffy muffled-screamed, the wind sending him flying out of the window, and gripping the windowsill, "HEEELLPPP!!!"

"AACK!" Ace exclaimed, closing a window, climbing down the ladder from the 2nd-floor, glimpsing Luffy, his eyes going out of their sockets, dashing towards him, tugging him inside the treehouse, and slamming the window closed, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE, IDIOT?!!"

"The wind flung me outside." Luffy informed, shuffling beside Ace, and heading downstairs.

"Every window is shut?" I inquired, spreading blankets and pillows out on the floor, lighting a candle, placing it in a holder, and sliding into bed, "We'll worry about repairs tomorrow. Everyone get some rest."

"How can we with all this thunder and lighting?" Ace grumbled, stealthy-sliding his blankets towards me, slipping under his covers, laying on his side, and faintly-jumping as a loud-boom echoed throughout the treehouse.

"Its so loud." Luffy hiccupped, sliding under his covers, his lip trembled in fear, scooting close to me, and hugging Shadow close to his chest, "Shadow doesn't like it either."

"It is a little...unnerving." Sabo agreed, slipping under his blankets, scooting close to Ace, and swallowing.

"I'm gonna tell you guys one of my favorite stories." I claimed, sitting-up, smiling as Ace laid his head down on my lap, and running my fingers through his hair, "It's about a boy who finds out he's a wizard."


The Next Day

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