Chapt. 102

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  ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

   Chapt. 102: The Realization, The Crews Frantic Rush, The Rubber Moron Awakes


  "GAHHH!!! STOP SHOOTING AT ME!!!," Usopp shrieked, his teeth going like shark teeth, running away from the Royal Soldiers who were chasing him, and running in the opposite direction away from Rebel Soldiers who were also chasing him, (apparently, they thought a long-nosed chicken covered head to toe in a white cast was a Rebel and a Royal soldier...ummm...I can't say I'd agree with them,, "WHERE THE HELL DID ZORO RUN OFF TO NOW? GETTING LOST AT A TIME LIKE THIS!!!"

Somehow between following Zoro and getting chased by the two armies, Zoro managed to get himself lost...typical *sigh*.

The clock tower where the Sand-Sand Clan's secret base is..., Vivi thought, furrowing her brows together in concentration, ignoring Usopp, and widening her eyes upon figuring out where the bomb is located, It's the only place that's big enough to hide the cannon and still have a perfect aim at the Palace has to be there.

"KNOCK IT OFF!! ITS DANGEROUS SHOOTING AT SOMEONE WHEN THERE IS A LOT OF PEOPLE!," Usopp chided, running away from stray bullets that were aimed at him by the Royal army, reaching into his bag, pulling out his silver ammo, putting the silver ammo into his slingshot, and aiming it at the Royal army, "STOP IT, YOU IDIOT!!! I ALREADY TOLD YOU, I'M NOT A REEL SOLDIER YOU MORON!!! TAKE THIS! SMOKE STAR!!!!"

"It has to be there, no doubt." Vivi babbled, talking to herself, and ignoring Usopp.

"TAKE THIS! USOPP RUBBER BAND OF DOOM!!!," Usopp cackled, turning towards the Royal army soldiers that were chasing him, reaching into his bag, pulling out a rubber band, shooting it at the Royal Soldiers, only to have Vivi pull his nose to drag him towards her as he ran by, "OWWW!! WHAT IS SO IMPORTANT THAT YOU HAVE TO PULL ON MY NOSE!!"

"Usopp, signal everybody," Vivi directed, looking at Usopp with determination in her eyes, and her lips going slightly upwards into a cocky grin, "I think I may know where the bomb is."

"Why didn't you just say that before," Usopp grinned, reaching into his bag, pulling out a red ammo, putting it into his slingshot, and firing it up into the air, "SPECIAL ATTACK: RED SERPENT STAR!"


To Zoro

"How the hell did I get way out here?," Zoro muttered, looking around in confusion at some sort of jungle outside of the city of Alubarna, only to turn his head in the direction of the city, smirking upon seeing the huge red smoke in the sky, and running towards there, "Heh, looks like they find the bomb. Better hurry then."


To Nami and Chopper

"Look," Nami called, pointing up into the sky, and grinning down at Chopper, "That's the signal."

"They must've figured out where the bomb is." Chopper grinned, looking at where Nami was pointing, and running towards the red smoke.


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